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Of Dissolution and Reassembly
Of Falling Apart and Coming Together
Of Death and 



In my room

Playing in the fields

Of my own imagination

This is where I passed

Much of my time

Growing up 


I did not know why

I preferred it

The question of why

Never seemed to arise


Looking back

I can see that it was

The place where I felt


Entering that room

Closing the door

Was sweet relief


Perhaps it was there

That I began

To lose myself

To box up the feelings

That seemed too much



Above all else

Whatever might be happening 

In the depths

The surface had always to

Remain calm

A storm could bring



When your own emotions

Feel unsafe

You learn to detach yourself 

From them

And at the same time

The feelings of others 

Also seem unsafe


And so

You try to navigate the world 

By anticipating how your actions

Your words

Will make others feel 

You take ownership of other 

People’s emotions

In order to keep




It is a losing strategy


You just end up

Living in fear

And unable to know

How you feel

There is just fear

And anxiety


Unlearning all of this

After perhaps

Two thirds of a lifetime





You tried for so long

To hold it all



The harder you tried

The more the pressure

Of what you were holding



It began to cause

Your whole being

To vibrate 

With ever greater



In the end

It all flew apart

And you watched 

All the pieces of your life

Scattered to the winds


Each piece

A witness

To your failure

As a person


Each piece

Like shrapnel

Tearing your own soul



The souls of those

Whom you loved


And as the 

Earth beneath you

Began to swallow you

You stood 


as the

Great undoing began




To stop it 


Anchor 1

The New Testament

Is filled with outcasts

People exiled

From family

From community

From friends 

Because their sin

Was too much 

For others

To bear


The holy writ shows

The divine impulse

To forgive

To restore 

To reunite

To mend what was broken


But it also shows us

That the human impulse

To reject

To turn away

To forget

To make invisible 

Is more powerful


I never imagined it

(But then none of this

Could ever have been

Imagined )

The remembrance of my birth 


By those I have never

Not known 


But it is a mere signpost 

That the outward journey 

is complete 

My existence 

Has become too painful

For some to bear

My arrival in the world

All those years ago

Now regretted

A regret unspoken

But laid bare 

In the silence


After all

if I had never been

All of this 

Would have been 



But I have been

I am

I shall be

For some undetermined 

Count of years


And I shall go on

Seeking the grace

Of that divine impulse

In the few in whom

It is found 

Like an oasis

In the desert


Unconditional love                            

Is not really a thing.                            

It stands at the heart                            

Of  our religions, our stories, 

our fairytales.

Not because we experience it.

But because we long for it.


The reality of love

Is far messier.


We are, in reality, always

Learning how to love

Trying to love 

Without conditions

Yet never really able


It is a strange thing

To awaken and find

That so many people no longer


How to love you


Beyond saying the words

And sometimes not

Perhaps having given up trying


To realize that you have 






And then you wonder

If you yourself have ever known

How to love anyone else


Or has it all just been

Fumbling in the dark?


Maybe we are all 

Just fumbling in the dark

Grateful when it leads to 

Accidental joy


And enduring 

The unintended consequences

Of not really knowing how

To love 

Without conditions


She wanted me to fight for her

And for us

She never said so

“Women never do,” someone said

But it is what she hoped for

Perhaps it is what she needed


And yet her words had revealed

A mountain

Between where we were

And where we possibly could be

One day

Or maybe not


And I was exhausted already

From so much climbing

Over fearsome obstacles


It was a steep mountain

The one she described

Made of

A gnawing emptiness 

The shame I bore

Long lists of all the losses 

For which she held me responsible

A move I was unwilling to make

Because it would take me away

From the grace 

That was saving

My life 


“You’re doing the best you can”

She said.  “I know that.”

Yet, the best I could do

Was not enough


Where was I to go from here?

The mountain was impossibly high

And it seemed that there was

Little hope 

That we would not run out of


Before the journey was even

Half completed


In my exhaustion 

In my numbness 

In the contemplation of yet

Another failure

I uttered the words of ending

I named the undoing


It startled her

I tried to set them aside

And asked what she wanted

But it was too late

The end

The undoing 

Had been spoken to the Universe

And it could not be



She had been the only one

To offer that word “forgiveness”

But while it was without question

The desire of her heart

It was not in her to 

Truly offer it


“Intend to love”, the preacher had said

On the day we wed

I always intended to

But in the end

Intention was not enough

And yet

It was the best I could do


There are some things

That we cannot do



Finding life

After death

Is one 

Of those things


For when the

Engineered self

That no longer serves you

Finally collapses

And dies


You need someone

To reach out

And raise you 

From the grave


And begin to give you back

To yourself


To say with fullest conviction 

“That was not who you are,

That is not who I know.”  

And allows you to




That one 

Becomes to you

One of the most

Beautiful souls

You have ever known


Becomes the voice

Of reassurance

In the chaos

The lifeline 

That keeps you

From drowning


Whose humanity

Becomes the inspiration

For your own 


The Universe 

Brought such a soul

Into my life 

And I am grateful 

Beyond measure


For unexpectedly

When all was lost 

Under the regard of that

Beautiful soul

I found myself 

Being Raised After Death


One would think 

That after

Three and a half decades

The ending 

Would have been

Somewhat dramatic


 But as it turns out 

It was almost soundless 

A document 

Delivered in the mail

Declaring finality 


The world did not notice

It simply kept moving

Through the remains

Of an ordinary day 

That was anything but 


It happens all the time

Of course

People’s personal worlds

Turn upside down

And inside out

Crumble and 

Are rebuilt


And the world does not notice

It just keeps moving 

Through what remains 


But of course 

The sentences of ending

Had already been said

Months ago

This mailed letter

Was simply the period 

The ending punctuation 


I don’t know why 

I might have thought

It would be 

An exclamation point

We had been so

Careful to avoid those 

And in so doing

Created a deafening


Into which

The shadow of death

Was creeping 


And we did not notice

We simply kept moving

Through the remains


Each generation

Passes on seeds

To the next


Some of them will 


Take root

And yield what lies



Others will

Be saved

Whether by intention


By chance


By mystery 


To be

Passed on

To the next generation 


And on and on

The cycle goes


Some seeds may 

Be passed down 



Even three times 

Before they


The mystery 




The seeds

Of trauma

Often make

This journey 

Holding the pain

The lived struggle 

Of a grandparent

Or great grandparent

Or even further on


Then unexpectedly

One lands in strangely

Fertile soil

And sprouts

Takes root

And offers up

That which has been 



For generations


The vine of


Or not so distant 


Intertwines  itself around

An unsuspecting life

That has no idea 

Of the distant forces

That have become a part

Of his spiritual





Intertwines until

It begins to 



And just when 

The oxygen 

Seems almost gone

Becomes recognized

For what it is


Then the moment

Has arrived:

To allow the vine

The trauma

To define you

Or to begin

The long work

Of cutting that








What makes us human?


Some say it is love

Yet we see what looks like love

In other creatures 


Some say it is awareness

But can we be so sure

That we alone are aware?


Some say it is the image of God

Yet the holy is everywhere

The universe inhabits the divine

And the divine inhabits the universe


Perhaps what makes us human

Is our storytelling


“We are the animals who tell stories”, 

James Alison says


We are the animals who tell stories


We are born into a world of stories

Woven by those who came before us

They inhabit us

And form us

Before we even realize

They create our world

They create us


So many of these stories 

Limit our becoming 

Hand us pain

Pass on trauma


Other stories 

Set us free

Create possibility

Invite our flourishing


Beneath them all

Is the Original Story


“You are beloved”, it says

And the belovedness in us

Seeks to set us free

To become the author 

Of our own story


It is not that we leave 


The stories that were given us

It is that we


Those stories


As we write

The mystery

And the glory

Of our own 



That is

Perfect freedom


The perfect freedom

Of the story-teller


“Does he let you know 

That you exist?”


The question flew

Like an arrow

Across the therapist’s office


But it found its target

Not in the brain

Or the mind

To be considered

And answered 

In words


It landed 

In the heart

And there 

It resounded

With such unexpected



And the dam 

Burst open

And the office

Was momentarily


As we sat 

In the aftermath 

Of an unexpectedly

Profound truth


Many times before

Had we sat and pondered

This particular


That has contained

Much of the 

Mystery of my 



Which has

No category

No precedent

No understood geography


For so long 

I have tried 

To put words

Around it

And failed


“Does he let you know

That you exist?”

The mind can’t answer

It doesn’t even understand

The question


But the heart 


And answered its mysterious


Without hesitation


In the light

Of that epiphany

The therapist found the 

Only words there were

To find


“For some things

We have

No words”


45 days

Seems not that long

But when spread

Over six months

The journey is 



The ritual of the day

Always began 

The same way


Standing first in the

Heat of mid-August

Then at the end

In the damp and cold 

Of winter


A rag-tag group 

From many walks

Of life

Brought together 

In circumstance

Lives and worlds


That normally

Do not


Chosen for a day’s work

Here or there

Witnessing in that span

Refuse tossed aside

By careless people 

And people tossed aside

By a careless society

Gathered in squalid camps

And then moved on

To begin again

In some other spot


45 days

Where illusions fail

And the 

Common denominator

Of our humanity

Is unmistakably 

Laid bare


It is finished now

But the 45 days

Has left their mark

There is no room now

For the former illusions


For humanity once

Laid bare

Will not again

Easily suffer



As I raised

My eyes

And finally


I saw clearly

For the first time

That within the circle

Of my life

Everything was in disarray


And at the center 

Were some 

Glowing embers 

The embers of 

Authentic selfhood 

Where there should have been

A flame 


Was there ever a flame?

Had that fire ever danced 

Brightly against the sky

Of nearly 20,000 nights?


I could not tell

I could not remember


I only knew 

The embers now

Hardly enough 

To keep the soul 





As I set about 

Returning some order 

To that circle

At the center 

The embers remained


It occurred to me

That I had


How to build

A fire

How to coax the 


Back into



The ancient voice


Beckoning me

Beyond my circle


And stepping out

I saw many circles

Some glowed faintly

With feeble flames

Others enclosed 

Only embers

Much like mine


Looking a little further

I perceived a circle

That was alive with 


A flame burning strong

And bright

And true 

At its center

Never before had I 


Or seen

Such flame


I approached 

Drawn by the light

And the warmth

And as I drew close 

And was invited in

The winter in my soul

Began to thaw


That flame

Of authentic selfhood

Of self-actualized humanity 

Transfixed my gaze

And illuminated my life


Returning to my

Own circle 

The embers that 

Before seemed 


Now contained



Could they burst into flame?

Once again?

Or for the first time?


For now

I study the

Fire-keeper in that

Other circle 


Visiting warms my soul

And keeps possibility



One day

I hope

I will not need

To visit

So frequently

For I will have made 

The art

My own

And the flame

In my circle

Will be


And more


Reconciliation is 

A practice 


But we have 

Turned it into

A preaching


We speak with 




About its importance


We write about it

In Prayer Books

In Canons

In Books


But seldom 

Do we actually

Practice it


Because the 


Is costly

For everyone


It requires us 

To confront 




And so much more 


It requires us

To slog through the mud

Of our own


And the humanity 

Of others


It requires us 

To face people 

We are not sure

We can bear to face



Reconciliation is 


The most costly grace

Of all

And we can’t bear

The cost 


And so we 

Allow the 

Yawning silence

The unhealed wounds

The unresolved feelings

The broken relationships

To be forever 



And we tell ourselves

That somehow 

This is okay

As we return

To Preaching a


That we will never

Actually know 

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