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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Passage Appointed: John 15:9-17

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In this Sunday’s gospel reading, again from John in this Easter season, Jesus says, “I do not call you servants any longer…; but I have called you friends.”     It puts me in mind of something St. Gregory of Nyssa said:  “the one thing truly worthwhile is becoming God’s friend.”    I wonder how often we think of friendship when we consider our relationship with the divine.


I was thinking about this as I was watching a livestream of the ordination and consecration of the new Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese of California, who will succeed the current bishop in a couple of months’ time.   The gospel for that liturgy was also from John, and included the story of the disciples encountering the Risen Christ on a beach.   They end up having breakfast together, and in the course of that meal, Jesus asks Peter three times if Peter loves him.   Peter affirms three times that he does, but is a little exasperated by Jesus’ repetition of the question.  What Peter seems to miss, initially, is that each of these three affirmations of Peter’s love for Jesus that the Risen Christ elicits from him offsets each of the three times that Peter denied Jesus.    It is a profound act of mercy and of forgiveness.   It is Christ who take the initiative to restore friendship with Peter.


The preacher for this liturgy was the Rt. Rev. Brian Cole, Bishop of East Tennessee.   He pointed out in his sermon that Peter had utterly failed Jesus with those three denials.   But what did Jesus do?   Bishop Cole pointed out that Peter had been called into relationship with Jesus early on, and had entered that relationship enthusiastically, filled with passion.   Yet by the time Jesus is arrested, Peter’s passion had burned out and burned him up.  He was left in fear, and that fear gave rise to those three denials.  In our world, where mercy and compassion are often in short supply, we would tend to think that Peter has disqualified himself forever from being a bearer of the gospel message.   That his failure rendered him unfit to be of any more service.   Our ways are, however, not God’s ways.    Instead, the Risen Christ comes to Peter and calls him again.   Despite his failures, Christ restores him.  And, Bishop Cole pointed out, he restores him without asking him shaming questions.  Peter is not made to feel guilty.   Rather, Christ asks Peter healing questions — rooted not in shame, but in love.   


This is what friendship with God, friendship with the divine, is like.    In the end, it is healing and restorative.   It is a friendship that lifts us out of failure, shame, and guilt and qualifies us once again to be bearers of the divine message of love.


I was ordained a priest on the feast of the Confession of St. Peter, described by Bishop Cole in his sermon as the disciple who “overpromised and underdelivered.”    Peter had moments of insight and light, as well as moments of blindness and failure.   The link between my ordination and Peter has been more appropriate than I ever imagined 32 years ago, as my own  vocation ended up descending into ruin.    What I hold onto is the willing friendship of God that was powerful enough to restore Peter — and perhaps me, as well.    That restoration is in progress, and how it reaches its fullness is yet to be seen.   But maybe, just as Peter was called a second time out of failure into grace, there might be for me — and for each of us who has been broken apart — a second calling into that grace which divine friendship makes possible.





Sunday, April 28, 2024

Passage Appointed: John 15:1-8

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“I am the vine, you are the branches.  Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit….”


These are the words of the Jesus of John’s Gospel in the passage assigned for this Sunday.  


John’s Jesus is quite different in so many ways from the Jesus of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.  So different, in fact, that unlike the other three gospels, John does not get a year in the lectionary devoted to reading through his gospel.   Instead, John is inserted in the Matthew, Mark, and Luke cycles at “strategic” points in the liturgical year.   And so, in Easter season, we have hear from John a number of times.


The fact that John is treated differently from the other gospels in the cycle of readings tells us a couple of things.   First, it reminds us that John is less interested in presenting the story of Jesus and more interested in reflecting on the meaning of the stories that the other three gospels present.   John has taken time to meditate more profoundly on the mystery of the Christ, and seeks to connect the deeper meaning of that mystery to our lives.   And second, it reminds us that because of this more reflective quality of the gospel, it is important that we hear from John periodically every year.    That as we are making our way through the larger story presented by Matthew, Mark, or Luke — depending on what year we are in — that we need to interrupt that story from time to time to reflect more deeply.


So I find myself wondering where that phrase, “I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit…” might take us today.


As I encounter that phrase this time, I find myself moving from the image of the vine to the image of the family tree.   Both the vine and the family tree bring to mind for me the idea of lineage, of connection that spans generations, of a line that our particular branch of the family connects to and that ultimately connects us to the lives, the stories, of the generations that came before us.   It is a connection that gives us life — without those ancestors, we would not be here.    But that which gives us life also gives us much more.


I have spent some time over the last few years exploring the idea of generational trauma.   That is the idea that traumas suffered by our ancestors can be transmitted along this vine, this family tree, to their descendants.    There is a great deal of research into this idea, and it is somewhat controversial.    But I think there is a great deal of truth in it.   Researchers have, for example, noticed trauma patterns that live within the descendants of Holocaust survivors and of slaves.   Research into non-human animals has suggested that trauma can sometimes cause genetic change, altering the DNA of subsequent generations.   


Most of us probably do not have lineages that include traumas as profound as the Holocaust or slavery.  Yet, there is probably some trauma somewhere in all of our family trees.    In my own therapeutic journey, we were not able to identify what my therapist referred to a “big T” Trauma — some event or incident that one could point to in my personal history and say, “Ah ha!”    And yet, in a number of ways, my psychological and emotional challenges are similar to those that therapists would expect to be the result of trauma.    Hence, my exploration of the idea of generational trauma — knowing that there is a fair amount of evidence to suggest that trauma experienced up the family tree or vine will sometimes not show up in what we might call a symptomatic way until a few generations later. 


While I have no firm conclusions about any of this — more like tentative wonderings — all of this is a reminder of our connectedness as human beings.    No matter how independent we may imagine ourselves to be, no matter how much distance we may have created between ourselves and our families, that lineage — that vine — lives in us.   It has, indeed, caused us to be.   And we would do well to spend some time abiding in that truth.  We would do well to abide in the wonder and sacredness of that vine that led to us, because even in families that carry incredible pain and trauma, life has been given, and that is an incredible thing.  And the reality is that whatever we have come to recognize as the best parts of ourselves have emerged, in part, from the transmission of that gift of life from those who came before us.   


And yes — along with that can be the transmission of much that is painful, hard, and challenging.   Yet, we must abide in that truth, as well.  For it is a part of our humanity, of our story, of our being.    And when we refuse it, push it away, and try to pave it over rather than abiding in the reality of it for a time in order to come to terms with it — well, it has a tendency to start coming up through  the cracks like weeds that refuse to be put down.  


As it is Easter season, the mixed bag of blessing and curse that is our lineage as human beings puts me in mind of the stories of the encounters of the apostles with the Risen Christ.   In each of those encounters, the overwhelming beauty of the living Christ bears within it the wounds of crucifixion.   Those wounds were not banished.  Rather, they were integrated into the new life that the Christ represents.


And that is our task as we pause to consider the vines from which we all came and abide for a moment I their beautiful and awful truth:  to integrate our wounds into a new life.


I remember once, very early in my therapeutic journey, I said something to my therapist about wanting to “get past all this”.    I remember her response clearly:  “Matthew, you will never get past it.  That is not the point of this.   The point is not to get past it but to integrate it into your life as something that indeed happened as a part of your life but that does not define the whole of your life.”


And if we can come to that place of integration then we will, indeed, be able to bear much fruit.





Sunday, April 21, 2024

Passage Appointed: Luke 24:36b-48

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This Sunday’s passage from John’s Gospel is one in which Jesus is seen comparing himself to the good shepherd:  one of who is so invested in the well-being of the sheep that he will choose to lay his life down in ensure their well-being.   He contrasts this image with that of the hired hand, someone to whom the sheep have been entrusted but to whom they do not really belong.  The hired hand is not invested in the well-being of the sheep, and will flee at the first sign of trouble, exposing them to danger.


As I consider this passage today, it strikes me that the heart of the matter is relationship.  


As human beings, we live within a network of relationships.   There are the relationships we have with our parents, who gave us life.  With our siblings (if we have them) with whom we shared a growing up.   There are relationships with grandparents, cousins, uncles, and aunts, to varying degrees depending on the circumstances of our lives.   Then there are relationships with friends, with partners and with children (if we have them), with co-workers.    And there are many more relational possibilities beyond these depending on the communities of which we are a part.    Not to mention our relationship with ourselves, with the natural world, with the sacred.  To be human is to be in relationship, and one could argue that we only really come to know ourselves through relationship.    


In the passage that is before us, Jesus is using the metaphor of the shepherd’s relationship with the sheep to point toward the relationship between the divine and the human.  The good shepherd — representing the Christ — is an authentic incarnation of the divine care and compassion who recognizes that the divine and the human dwell in each other in such a way that they belong to each other.    The “sheep” are not other.   The hired hand, however, represents one who assumes the role of a divine caretaker but who ultimately regards the “sheep” as other, and who will prioritize his or her own safety and protection above the well-being of those entrusted to him or her.   In other words, the good shepherd is authentically in relationship with the sheep and is fully present with them and to them, whereas the hired hand’s relationship is inauthentic, conditional, transactional, and, in the end, lacking in depth.   The hired hand is not fully present with and to the sheep.


Meditating upon this can lead us to ask questions about the religious communities we may be a part of, wondering if those within those communities who seek to represent the divine to us do so authentically with presence and depth, or not.   There are no lack of churches, it seems to me, that are presided over by hired hands.


Moving out of the religious sphere, this meditation can also lead us to ask questions about the other relationships that we have, wondering how we show up in those relationships — and how the others in those relationships show up for us.  Inevitably, I think, we will find that we have relationships that are more authentic and those that are less so.  There are people for whom we show up (and who show up for us) with authenticity, presence and depth, and those where those qualities are missing.


I have found myself thinking a lot about this over the past couple of years.  One of the things that I have come to understand about myself is that relationships are difficult for me.   Indeed, relationships pose a certain difficulty to lots of people, perhaps even to most of us.   But it seems that I am more challenged in relationships than perhaps most people.    I have realized that it can be quite difficult for me to show up with authenticity, presence and depth — it can be hard even for me to show up for myself that way.   And so here I am dangerously close to the age of 60 and I am trying to figure relationships out — how to live into the recognition of mutual belonging that characterizes the good shepherd and avoid the self-occupied, self-protecting distance and detachment of the hired hand.   


And so, for me, this parable of the good shepherd, as one might call it, is something both of a cautionary tale and a reminder of something for which I deeply long.   It is also a reminder that the divine longing is that of the good shepherd:  that God always longs for authentic connection with us, and longs for us to respond with equal authenticity.    We are invited into a deep knowing of the sacred — something that, I think, is only really possible if we are willing and able to allow ourselves to be deeply known by the divine.   That allowing is simple but it is not easy.   To make oneself vulnerable to the great mystery and allow oneself to be fully known by that mystery requires a level of trust that can be hard to achieve.   The key, I think, is to recognize that we and that mystery belong to each other.   The sacred cannot be without the human, and the human cannot be without the sacred.   It is, then, a step from this recognition to understanding that we human beings truly belong to each other in the same way.


If we are able to recognize all this mutual belonging, perhaps relationships become easier to navigate, and it becomes easier to show up in them with presence and depth as the people we genuinely know ourselves to be.



Sunday, April 14, 2024

Passage Appointed: Luke 24:36b-48

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This Sunday’s gospel passage from Luke is another story of an appearance of the risen Christ to the apostles.    At the end of the passage, Jesus gives a kind of summation of the heart of the Christ Event:  that the arc of the law, the prophets, and the psalms leads to this event, to this moment, when death is transformed to life.    At the very end of the passage, Jesus says, “You are witnesses of these things.”


The quality of bearing witness can, I think, be seen as the heart of an authentic Christian vocation.   


The term “witnessing” in a Christian context can bring up some negative connotations.   When I hear that term, for me it conjures up images of earnest people knocking on strangers’ doors in order to “tell you about Jesus”.   It conjures up images of people attempting to convert other people.   


When I think of this quality of bearing witness with which Jesus ends this passage, this is not the kind of witnessing I have in mind.   Rather, I think of something much more profound, and something which, indeed, is not exactly tied to a specific Christian message that is designed to convert someone’s faith.


No, the quality of bearing witness that I have in mind is tied to the dynamic of death and resurrection that is revealed in Christ but which is also universal.   The Christ Event initiates us into this dynamic that out of death comes forth new life — and it is this dynamic to which we are called to bear witness.   


The dynamic of death and resurrection is not, first and foremost, about our physical death and a hoped for new life beyond that death, though this is often the first thing we think of.   It is clear to me that the most important and vital examples of this death and resurrection dynamic at work are when this dynamic appears in the course of our lives.   When we die to our engineered self and rise into our authentic self, this dynamic is at work.  When we leave an old life behind that limited us in fundamental ways and embrace a new life that frees us from those limitations, this dynamic is at work.   When we die to narrow ways of thinking and being and embrace new possibilities that enlarge our perspective, this dynamic is at work.   Whenever we speak of death and resurrection, we are speaking of human transformation.  And it is this transformation that is truly at the heart of the spiritual life.


We are called to bear witness to this transformation, when we see it in ourselves and when we see it in others.   We are called to bear witness to the truth that all the limiting stories and constructs that bind people to their fears and prejudices and block their growth can be broken open.   We can die to these things and be raised to a new life freed from their chains.  Such a journey is never easy — it can be quite painful and frightening.  But we can bear witness to the value of the journey and to the grace and blessing that lie on the other side of it.   


The death of Jesus and the rising of the Christ is a story of something particular becoming universal.  It is the story of how a universal pattern is manifested in the life of one particular human being.    The Christ Event is meant to open our eyes to this pattern.  It is meant to release into our lives a new energy that frees us from all that limits our authenticity and the expression of our true self.   And as we are freed from what binds us, we bear witness to this truth in a way that can allow others to experience this same freedom.  And the multiplication of this experience of freedom in the lives of more and more people not only transforms individuals, but communities — and the whole of the world in which we live.


So much of the suffering that goes on in our world can be traced to the limiting constructs and stories with which people live, and the pain which those limitations impose.   People caught in these limitations will often seek to impose them on others, believing that this world of limits is the world in which we are all meant to live.  It is only by bearing witness to possibility of dying to these limits and finding new life in a world that is not bound by them that we can bring hope to others, and to the world as a whole.




Sunday, April 7, 2024

Passage Appointed: John 20:19-31

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The gospel passage for the Second Sunday of Easter is always John’s story about Thomas, who missed a critical meeting of the disciples at which the Risen Christ made an appearance and, after being told of this by his friends, declared that he would not believe that Christ was risen until he had witnessed it himself.    


This story has gotten Thomas forever branded as “Doubting Thomas.”   And that is unfair because it is pretty clear that all of the male disciples, upon hearing the women’s news that Christ was risen, doubted that this was true.


I strongly suspect that when the story of Thomas is read this Sunday, those hearing it will tend to be rather smug, and say to themselves, “Ha!  That Doubting Thomas.   Here I am in church, without any doubt whatsoever.”


If we were to be really honest with ourselves, however, I think almost all of us would have to say that we have far more in common with Thomas and his fellow disciples than we might care to admit.    Because when it comes to the mystery of Christ and of the Resurrection, how could we not be doubters, at least to some degree?   How is it possible in the 21st century to hear this proclamation that Christ is risen and not have some doubt about what this proclamation really means?


In communities of faith, “doubt” is generally looked down upon.   We have a tendency to think that if doubt is present in us, then our faith is somehow lacking.   I would like to suggest, however, that it is precisely our doubt that creates space in us for faith.


Many years ago, I remember a sermon given by a monk whose name I cannot recall.  And, honestly, I don’t recall the sermon except for this one line:  “The opposite of faith is not doubt.  The opposite of faith is certainty.”    That is a line that has stayed with me all these decades later.     It is a statement, I think, that is deeply true.    


When we think of faith, we often think of believing something.   Yet faith and belief are not quite the same thing.   Faith is really a form of trust, and belief — well, I suppose we generally take belief to mean that our mind accepts something as true.   It is like the giving of our intellectual assent to some proposition or other.     Yet, if we go back to the root of religious belief, we will find that this is not really what it means.    In terms of religion in the western world, belief comes from the Latin word “credo” (from which we get our word creed).    And this word “credo” really means “to give one’s heart” to something.   In this sense, then, belief is not so much a matter of the mind as it is of the heart — which is also involved in the act of trust.


So when we think of having faith in the Risen Christ and believing in the Resurrection, what we are really doing is trusting that there is something real, authentic, and meaningful in the proclamation, “Christ is risen”, and we are giving our heart to the mystery of Christ and the mystery of Resurrection.    


And of these things, we cannot be certain — for we did not directly experience the mystery of Christ as it appeared in Jesus more than 2,000 years ago and we certainly did not directly experience the Resurrection that was proclaimed by Jesus’ first followers.    Our ability to trust this proclamation and give our hearts to this mystery may indeed be rooted in our own experience of the Christ and the energy of risen-ness which the Christ manifests (as I was suggesting in last week’s Easter reflection).    But even so, it is hard even to be certain about our own experiences of these things — such is the nature of a Kairos experience.


So let us not this Sunday look down upon poor Thomas.  Rather, let us recognize that we are all doubters, just as he was.   Thomas refused to trust the proclamation of his friends and to give his heart to the mystery that they were describing until he had had his own experience of the Risen Christ.     It may be that we are the same — or, it may be that we have trusted and given our hearts without yet having had such an experience in our own lives.


Doubt is not a bad word in communities of faith.   No, it is that very doubt — the uncertain nature of Kairos experiences — that makes trusting and heart-giving possible.



Easter Day, March 31, 2024

Passage Appointed: Mark 16:1-8

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We come now to that time each year when we are invited to contemplate the mystery of resurrection.   


It is a tricky mystery to consider, because the default way of thinking of our age gets caught up in trying to defend the resurrection of the Christ in the face of those who question its veracity.  And that questioning is certainly understandable.   After all, there is nothing in our experience or knowledge of the way the universe works to suggest that it is even remotely possible for someone who has been dead three days to return to life.   It is always challenging when religion finds itself having to assert a truth that is contrary to what every other area of human knowledge tells us.


The problem, I think, lies in our treating of the resurrection as an event among other events in the timeline of human history.   We place it in the same category as the invention of the printing press, the start of the civil war, the election of a president.   We approach it as if it were a news item that could be written up in any newspaper alongside notices of other events in our world.   But the resurrection is not an historical event.   There is nothing about it that resembles anything like the events of history that we know.   It is not a piece of history to be researched in the hope that, were we to find the right pieces of evidence (like the Shroud of Turin?), we could prove that the event actually happened.


We live most of our lives in chronological time, what the Greeks called Kronos.   Chronological time is linear, moving from one moment to the next in sequential order.  It is the time that all of our watches and clocks measure.   It is the time in which we can talk about what happened yesterday, what is happening today, and what will happen tomorrow.   And it is along this chronological timeline that historical events occur, allowing us to say things like, “On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.”   Our minds are used to chronological time, and it is where we experience most of our lives.


There is another kind of time, which the Greeks called Kairos.   Kairos is numinous time.  It is “a time of festivals and fantasies; it cannot be controlled or possessed.   Kairos is circular, dancing back and forth, here and there, without beginning or ending, and knows no boundaries.”  We might refer to experiences of kairos as moments of transcendence, when we are lifted out of our normal experience of Kronos and into a moment that seems timeless.   A true Kairos experience is one in which we lose track of the passing of chronological time — an experience in which time seems to stop.   Kairos experiences tend to live in our memories forever; they are special, and they are usually experienced as life enhancing or life altering in some way.  And they can be very difficult experiences to describe to others.  


If we wanted to picture these two kinds of time, we could draw a straight horizontal line to describe Kronos, and then Kairos experiences would be a vertical line that intersects the horizontal line.   That vertical line represents both a lifting out above the horizontal Kronos timeline, but also represents an experience of depth of meaning as the vertical line extends below the horizontal line.


The resurrection of Jesus is a Kairos experience, and as such, it does not belong to the flow of chronological time.   The resurrection has all of the properties that we associate with other Kairos experiences:  it is difficult to describe (the gospels present different stories that, while sharing certain features in common, cannot really be harmonized) and it was life-changing (the experience utterly altered the course of the lives of those who had it).   


And this brings us to a critical difference between Kronos events and Kairos experiences.  A Kronos event can be documented and researched in order to establish the facts, or the likely facts, regarding that event.   This is what historians and journalists do all the time.  A Kairos experience, however, cannot be examined by anyone who did not have that experience.  What we can do with such experiences, however, is look at the impact that it had on the person or persons who had the experience.


And this is where the truth of resurrection emerges for me and, I think, for us all.  


When we look at the Christian movement, what we see are a group of people (yes, the male disciples, but many women and men beyond that group) who were transformed by this Kairos experience of the resurrection of Jesus from a fearful band who hid themselves to a wandering band of missionaries who committed themselves to proclaiming this mysterious truth that Christ continued to live within and among them, and they did so regardless of the consequences and, in general, at great personal cost to themselves.   Whatever that experience was that they and we call resurrection, it completely and decisively changed the course of their lives and the nature of their commitments.  


Ultimately, the force of that experience, and the energy it released in them, went on to change the world profoundly as the Christian movement spread and grew.   Now, it is true that not all of that profound change was good — as the movement grew, allied itself with power and wealth, and moved from the fringes to the mainstream, the ethos and energy of the original movement became corrupted, and much evil was done.   But even the greatest critics and detractors of Christianity in particular or religion in general cannot deny the profound impact of the Christian movement on human history.  While the resurrection was a Kairos experience outside of Kronos, the Christian movement that sprung from that experience unfolded in chronological time, for good and for ill.


The essence of Easter, and of the whole Christian movement, is, on the one hand, the remembering and honoring of that original Kairos experience of resurrection — and an acknowledgement that that original experience is utterly inaccessible to us.   On the other hand, the essence of Easter is also that the energy released in that experience — what we might call the energy of risen-ness — is one which continues to animate the Christian movement where it is authentically practiced and known.   The purpose and goal of Christian spiritual practice is the transmission of that energy in such a way that each of us, in our turn, will be caught up in our own Kairos experience of resurrection. 


This is the only way that the resurrection of Jesus can be “proven”:  in our own Kairos experience of it, when we are lifted out of chronological time by a transcendent experience of the Christ in which the energy of risen-ness is gifted to us in a life-changing, life-enhancing way.


Such an experience is just as mysterious as that which the disciples claim to have had.  We never know when it might come upon us, and, if we are honest, we must acknowledge that it will not come to everyone.   And, it will not come to any of us in the same way.   Kairos experiences can be shared but are also deeply personal.   But they are also deeply real.


The Christian tradition, at its best, seeks to lay the groundwork and prepare the soil for us to receive such an experience.  And part of that is to continually, year by year, tell the story of the impact of that experience on those with whom the tradition began.   But as with all spiritual matters, the work of making ourselves vulnerable to Kairos is ours to do.


In the gospel of Mark’s telling of the resurrection story, the angel says to the women at the tomb, “He has been raised; he is not here.”   And originally, Mark’s gospel contained no account of anyone seeing the risen Jesus (one was added later, probably out of embarrassment that Mark hadn’t included it).     But Mark knew what he was doing.  He was pointing out that seeking the Risen Christ in chronological time was useless.   The Risen Christ, rather, was to be found within the experiences of those who sought to follow him.  Do not look out here, Mark was saying.   Look in there, within your own Kairos experience.  




Palm Sunday, March 24, 2024

Passage Appointed: Mark 14:1-15:47

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Palm Sunday, of course, marks the beginning of Holy Week, the last three days of which — The Great Triduum — bring us to the heart of the story of Jesus’ final days and death, before ushering us into Easter.


It is tempting to see Palm Sunday as having at its heart the story of Jesus’ death.   It has always seemed a bit strange to me to hear the story of the crucifixion on Palm Sunday, and then to backtrack later in Holy Week to the story of the Last Supper and then, again, the story of the crucifixion.  I have, at times, thought of Palm Sunday as a concession to those who do not participate in the other liturgies of Holy Week, to make sure that the story of the crucifixion is heard before the story of Easter.


Recently, however, I have come to think of the center of Palm Sunday as lying elsewhere.   Certainly, it does include the story of Jesus’ death.   But it also includes a great deal about what leads up to that, including the turning of popular sentiment against Jesus, the political machinations of both religious and secular authorities, and the bullying and mistreatment of Jesus that precedes the crucifixion.


Jesus’ life and death unfolded within the context of the Roman imperial occupation of Israel, and as we can easily imagine from historical examples nearer to us, people under occupation tend to resent the occupiers.    It is sometimes hard for us to remember what the ascribing of the title Messiah to Jesus would have meant for many if not most of the people of his time.   For Jesus’ community, within the context of occupation, that appearance of the Messiah would have meant not simply a spiritual liberation but, perhaps more importantly, a worldly one.   There was a great deal of expectation swirling around Jesus, as more and more people came to see him as the Messiah, that he would lead the revolt against Roman occupation and restore the Jewish people to freedom.


And the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem at the starting point of the Palm Sunday story would have only encouraged this expectation.    While the gospels for the most part depict a Jesus reluctant to claim the title of Messiah, all of the symbolism that was employed for his entrance into Jerusalem drew on the messianic tradition.   To the Jews in Jerusalem witnessing that procession, it would have seemed clear that the Messiah had indeed arrived.   On top of that, this is all happening in close proximity to the celebration of Passover, a holiday which celebrates Jewish liberation and freedom.   It was a festival that swelled the population of Jerusalem and made the Roman authorities particularly wary.   The crowds that received Jesus with such enthusiasm were anticipating the beginning of a revolt which would lead to the end of Roman rule.


Yet, despite his willingness to embrace all the symbols of Messiah upon entering Jerusalem, Jesus’ understanding of what that vocation meant was quite different.  Jesus had no intention of starting a revolt against Rome.   He was interested in a spiritual liberation, in a reformed religious paradigm.   He was interested in revolution, but not the kind that the crowds greeting him imagined.    And so, by the time we come to the crucifixion, the crowds have turned against him, because they have realized that his agenda is not theirs.  And they are bitterly disappointed.   This is, indeed, what motivates Judas to betray Jesus.


Between that betrayal and the crucifixion lie Jesus’ arrest, trial, and torture.   He is bullied, he is abused.  All of this, as well as the crucifixion itself, are orchestrated by both religious and Roman officials who have different interests at play.   For the Jewish religious authorities, while there was certainly disagreement with Jesus and resentment over his religious teaching (and it is this that the gospels and the subsequent Christian tradition emphasize), the more powerful motivation was most likely terror.   The religious authorities are terrified that if Jesus, willingly or unwillingly, becomes a spark that sets off a revolt, then thousands of Jews would die.  They did not believe it was possible to defeat the Roman military (and subsequent history proved that assessment correct).   The Roman authorities were likely not terrified, but were keen on preventing a rebellion which would cost them lives and resources and would not look good once the news reached the emperor.   Note that the charge which results in Jesus’ crucifixion has nothing to do with religion.  It is a political crime:  claiming to be a king in rivalry with Caesar.   


And so for me, Palm Sunday has become not so much about the death of Jesus (which is central to Good Friday) as it is about the complex human and political drama that leads to his death.    And it is in that drama that the deeper meaning of Palm Sunday for us emerges.


Often, as the church year traces the path of Jesus’ life and teaching, we can get the idea that the events of Jesus’ life are the point of the journey.   We get the idea that it is Jesus himself, what he said and did, and what happened to him that are important and that somehow our salvation is mysteriously bound up with those events, deeds, and teachings.   This is all the more tempting as the drama of Holy Week is unfolded each year.


But I actually don’t think any of that is the point.


What Jesus did and said, and what happened to him, belong to a remote past that only becomes more distant from us as time moves on.   What is important about it all is not that it happened — rather, it is how the life and death of a particular man, Jesus, in a particular time and place reveal what is universally and always true about our humanity and our own human journey.   And, it is how the life and death of Jesus illuminate what is universally and always true about the connection between the human and the divine.  This is the only way religious and spiritual tradition has value — because it reveals something that is relevant for us right now.   And so as we observe Palm Sunday, the question is not really about what happened 2,000 plus years ago.   It is about how Palm Sunday, and the ancient story it tells and enacts, illuminates our human journey today, and the connection between that journey and the divine.


I would hardly be the first person to observe the similarities between the imperial Rome of Jesus’ time and the United States of today.   The Roman celebration of military strength, the delight of ancient Roman culture in various displays of violence, the exploitation of people and resources to enrich the elite — all of these fit comfortably, unfortunately, in our own American culture.   Nor would I be the first to observe that, just as the religious authorities of Jesus’ time ended up collaborating with the Romans to protect their own interests, so do the religious leaders of our time more and more collaborate with American cultural groups and impulses that are completely antithetical to the teaching of Jesus in order to advance themselves and their own interests.    American political and religious institutions are, for the most part, both corrupt, and have developed a kind of symbiotic relationship that corrupts even further.   Unchristian American values are held up as Christian, and there are plenty of Christian religious leaders who are willing to baptize them as such.   


The outcome of all this is the continual playing out in American life of the drama that is at the heart of Palm Sunday.    Crowds of religious people turn against the vulnerable and marginalized.  People who don’t fit the established norm are ostracized, punished, scapegoated, oppressed, and pushed to the side all in the name of some kind of religious and cultural purity that has nothing to do with either the founding principles of Christianity nor of the republic.  Politicians and religious leaders alike have elevated bullying to a new art form, and the social conventions that used to constrain people from saying dangerous and outrageous things about others out loud and in public have been cast aside.   The crowds now delight in it — the more outrageous and hideous the better.  And all of this gives permission for the increasingly violent treatment of those who are targeted by the corrupt political-religious establishment.    Physical violence, yes, but also verbal and intellectual violence.  The irony, of course, is that the crowds think they are the ones following Jesus, that they are the ones doing God’s will.   


But the Palm Sunday story does not cast them in the role of God’s acolytes.   Rather, it casts them in the role that they have truly assumed:  that of the persecutor of authentic humanity and the divine.


One thing that the Palm Sunday story makes abundantly clear is that those who bully, who threaten, who mock, who castigate, who spew vile insults and hatred, and who do violence are NOT on the side of God.    The story leaves no room for doubt that God is not to be found in the powerful who seek to oppress and deny the humanity of those whom they cannot understand but rather in those who are their victims.   In proclaiming Jesus as the Christ, the bearer of the divine life within the frame of the human, the Christian tradition is proclaiming that  this Christ, this divine life, undergoes victimization by those who target and oppress.  God is to be found in those who are trampled, not in those who do the trampling.


As we hear again the ancient story this Palm Sunday, we will not have truly heard it if we think of it as telling us something that happened once upon a time.    We will only have truly heard it if we realize that it is telling our story right now.   We should come away from Palm Sunday greatly disturbed.  Not about what happened to Jesus so long ago, but about what is happening to us now.  And we should come away with an urgent question to answer:  where do we find ourselves in that story?  



Sunday Reflections

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Sunday, March 17, 2024

Passage Appointed: John 12:20-33

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Recently, I encountered the idea of post-traumatic growth.   It can be defined as positive psychological change resulting from a struggle with traumatic or highly challenging personal circumstances.


When we experience a trauma, or a personal circumstance or event that is highly challenging — far beyond what we might expect to experience in most of our life — we are likely to simply react out of a sense of fear or self-protection.   Reactions are not chosen — they are more or less automatic, instinctive.   As we process the trauma or challenge, and our reaction to it, we will eventually come to a place where the reaction gives way to a response.   And responses are chosen.   In other words, at some point, we make a choice, or perhaps a number of choices, about how to respond to what has happened to us.  And in that choice lies the possibility of post-traumatic growth.  Or not.     


Ultimately, psychological, emotional, and spiritual growth in the aftermath of trauma “occurs due to a struggle following the adversity that challenges pre-trauma schemes and worldviews by shattering beliefs, goals, or assumptions about life.”   In other words, to grow in the aftermath of trauma is related to our willingness — hard as it might be — to recognize that our life after the trauma will be different than life before the trauma.  It must be.   It is simply not possible in the aftermath of trauma to go on with life as usual as if nothing happened.   And it is, perhaps, those people who attempt to do that who do not experience post-traumatic growth.   


The gospel reading for this Sunday put me in mind of this.   In today’s passage from John, Jesus is given to say these words:  “Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.”    In the context of the entire passage, Jesus is speaking about his death.  But for us, these words contain a universality which is played out in the life and death of Jesus but which is also played out in every single one of our lives.


In many ways, this is the New Testament’s way of saying, “Shit happens.”   And we know that it happens, to all of us.  Certainly some people have more adversity than others, and some people must climb higher mountains or ford much more treacherous streams in life than others.    Yet challenges, adversities, and even traumas come to each of us.    And the question is, how will we respond?   Will we allow our nice, neatly packaged grain of life to fall into the pain, to break open, and to die in order for something more glorious, more real, more authentic to arise?   Or will we hold tight to that package, refuse to allow it to open, and when the storm passes, pretend that somehow everything is ok?   To do so might seem like the easier, less painful choice.   But in the end it leaves us in a dried husk of a life that somehow lacks authenticity.   


The dynamic that lies at the heart of the Christ Event is the dynamic that lies at the heart of every human life:  we come into existence — spirit incarnated in human life — and we pass through the joys and the sorrows of life.   There is much to celebrate, but also a great deal of suffering.  Crucifixions come to us not just once, but countless times in ways mostly small but sometimes overwhelmingly enormous.   That suffering either becomes the flame that germinates our lives into something deeper and more profound, or it leaves us dried up and holding on to illusion.   Resurrection is possible, but it is not assured.   It is always offered, but it is not always accepted.  


The spiritual life, no matter how it is practiced or conceived of, is really about how skillfully we handle the suffering into which we fall.   In Christian terms, it is about how we practice — or do not practice — resurrection.


Lent is drawing to a close.  In a couple of weeks, Easter shall be before us.  It is very tempting to regard Easter as a celebration of something that happened to Christ and is somehow important for us for reasons that, if we are honest with ourselves, are not entirely clear.   I would submit that whatever happened 2,000+ years ago that convinced the followers of Jesus to declare him risen and alive hardly matters.  The real question is not what happened to Jesus, but what would happen to us if we allowed ourselves to undergo the mystery of resurrection?   


Yet here is the catch:  we cannot undergo resurrection until we have undergone crucifixion and sunk into the mystery of death — the death of whatever in us cannot continue to be.    The death of all that is not truly us.   It is only when we allow ourselves to sink into that death that resurrection becomes an option.  For it is that death that contains within it the mystery of new and risen life.





Sunday, March 10, 2024

Passage Appointed: John 3:14-21

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This Sunday’s passage from John’s Gospel invokes images of light and dark — a common theme for John.   As I read this passage, it seems to say to me that God sent light into the world in order that humanity might be enlightened.   Too often, however, we do not perceive the light.  We do not recognize it, and so we dwell in darkness.   And that is a kind of condemned existence.   It is not that God condemns us — the light was not sent into the world for condemnation.  Rather, we condemn ourselves to living in darkness when we are unwilling to see the light and move into it.


John, of course, would say that Christ is this light sent into the world.  And I would agree.  Yet, I would also say that Christ is not the only light that the divine universe has sent to us.   There are many such lights.  Some have inspired the great religious traditions of the world, and others are known only to small groups of people in the communities where they appeared.   The divine floods the world with light — if we would only see it.


These days, many people in our world — including many religious people — have chosen to dwell in darkness.   Within the Christian community, a shocking number of people have taken to worshipping a God who is in no way consistent with the light that is offered to us in Christ.  I read an article recently in which a number of Christian ministers — I think mostly from more evangelical churches — earned condemnation from their parishioners for preaching “liberal, woke principles”.    The ministers pointed out that they were quoting Jesus.  And their parishioners said they were done with that kind of stuff.   Done, apparently, with Jesus.


That is a stark example of turning away from the divine light and choosing to live in darkness.   All of those Christians who somehow are able to look at Donald Trump and see a God-sent savior rather than a deeply disturbed, broken human being have joined his cause in twisting the light of Christ into a dark, dystopian view of reality in which all of the worst instincts of human beings are elevated to high moral principles.    Greed, lying, bullying, judgment, vengeance, hatred — all of these have been twisted into acceptable forms of behavior that somehow now have divine sanction.    People who have dedicated themselves to this course are wrapped so thickly in darkness now that I’m not sure the light will ever reach them.  And the danger they pose to our country and to our world is significant.


To live in this kind of darkness is to reject any kind of self-examination.  It is to abandon any notion that we are called to an inner transformation to heal our own brokenness and, from there, to move outward to heal the brokenness of the world.   To live in this kind of darkness is to give full reign to all the unhealed stuff within us and to tell ourselves that it is okay for it to remain unhealed.   The damage that is done to those who live in this darkness, and to those who are touched by its evil, is profound.


At the beginning of John’s Gospel, we find these words:  “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not over come it” (John 1:5).    These are surely words which we must hold on to in these times.   The darkness has spread so far in our time and engulfed so many that it is easy to become discouraged.   But there are more people who perceive the light, and seek to live within it, than we can imagine.   Those of us who are still able to see the light must continue to bear witness to it.  And we must continue to have faith that, in the end, the darkness will not overcome it.





Sunday, March 3, 2024

Passage Appointed: John 2:13-22

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This Sunday, the third in the Lenten season, we hear the story from John’s Gospel of Jesus making a scene at the Temple in Jerusalem as he drives out the merchants selling cattle, sheep, and doves, and the moneychangers.     It is, perhaps, the only story told of Jesus in which he appears angry as he condemns the presence of a market within the sacred precincts of the Temple space.  We find other versions of this story in the other three gospels.


To understand this story better, it’s important to consider why this activity was going on within the Temple to begin with.


The heart of the Temple’s liturgical life was the offering of sacrifices.  Cattle, sheep, and doves were the animals that were given in sacrifice, and which animal one offered in the Temple would be determined by the type of sacrifice one was there to make.   The Jewish tradition specified different sacrifices for different purposes and to mark different events in the cycle of life.   


When the tradition of animal sacrifice arose in Judaism, the life of Israel was primarily agricultural, and when people would bring animals to the Temple for sacrifice, they would bring an animal from their own flocks and herds.   It was those very animals that made up a person’s wealth.  And not just any animal could be sacrificed — the requirement was that an animal brought for sacrifice would be of high quality.   And so the sacrifice of an animal represented a very real sacrifice for the person or family bringing that animal.  They were genuinely surrendering something that was of value to them for a spiritual purpose.  


By the time of Jesus, Israel was economically more diverse.  More of its people lived in cities and that meant that there were a lot of people who no longer lived an agrarian life, and did not own animals that they could bring for the Temple sacrifices.    That created a market for sacrificial animals, and it was this market that took up residence in the outer precincts of the Temple and it was this market that Jesus disrupted.   The moneychangers who were there along with the sellers of sacrificial animals also filled a need:  they changed Roman money into Temple coinage, since it was Temple money that needed to be used to buy the animal.  They would exchange Roman coin for Temple coin for customers, and would change it back to Roman money for the merchants selling the animals.


Jesus’ disruption of this market, and his seeming anger about it, likely had to do with the corruption of religious practice that it represented.    The existence of a market for sacrificial animals gave the practice of animal sacrifice a more transactional quality.  The people offering those animals in sacrifice had no personal connection to the animal.  For them, it was simply a commodity they needed to fulfill a religious duty.   And that made the act of sacrifice more of a transaction that required less from the person making it.  The offering of the animal was no longer personally connected to the offerer, and thus the spiritual significance of that sacrifice to the person making it was reduced.  In other words, the grace that was understood to be connected to the act of sacrifice was less costly.   


There are many places in the Hebrew Bible that stress the importance of personal transformation over the act of animal sacrifice.   There are many passages that make clear that the act of animal sacrifice is meant to represent a spiritual change or evolution in the one making the offering.   That was clearer when the animal offered had personal significance to the offerer.    It was much less clear when the action was reduced to an economic transaction to purchase an animal that meant nothing to the person making the offering.  Some of these passages go so far as to suggest that the animal sacrifice could be foregone in favor of personal spiritual transformation — because it was that transformation that was important.  That was the point of the whole thing.


In carrying out his “cleansing of the Temple”, Jesus was very much following in the footsteps of this theme.


So what can we learn from all of this?


I think that for us the story is a warning about the way in which all religious practice, whatever it may be, can lose its meaning and significance when it becomes disconnected from genuine spiritual work.   One can, for example, experience the cycle of Christian liturgy over and over again in one’s life, and the practice of liturgical worship can become rote.  One can easily go through the motions of the liturgy and lose touch with the fact that what is happening outwardly in the liturgy is meant to represent the inner spiritual experience of those in attendance.    If prayer, confession, and participation in sacraments does not connect to authentic inner spiritual work, then it really loses its value.   It leads to people who “go to church” as if that had some value in and of itself but do not experience any inner transformation or conversion of life.   The act of going to church becomes a religious transaction that seems to fulfill an obligation that leads God to check off a box on our scorecard.


Christian congregations regardless of denomination are often hives of activity that don’t necessarily have much to do at all with the important inner spiritual work that we are called upon to do.  Church members are often venerated for all the stuff they do — the number of committees they serve on, the parish activities they help to make happen, the money they donate to sustain the institution.   All of this busy-ness looks like faithfulness.  And, in a sense, it is faithfulness to the church as community and as institution.    But that sort of faithfulness does not necessarily indicate the kind of faithfulness that is really at the heart of religious life:  faithfulness to the inward call to genuine transformation, to deepening personal authenticity, to healing that which is broken.    In fact, sometimes faithfulness to the church as institution can get in the way of faithfulness to our own sacred journey.


The story of Jesus “cleansing the Temple” underlines the need all people and congregations have to look critically at our religious practice.   It requires us as individuals to really look honestly at our own spiritual evolution and ask ourselves if we are being faithful to that inward call to deeper transformation and authenticity.   It requires congregations to ask how their life is helping people to move into this deeper journey and how their life is getting in the way of that deeper journey.     Through this story, the Christ is inviting us to do some cleaning up of our own personal and communal lives to make sure that we have our priorities right and that we are truly responding to the inward call of the sacred in our lives.



Sunday, February 25, 2024

Passage Appointed: Mark 8-31-38

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The gospel reading for this Sunday includes this quote from Jesus:  “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.   For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake, and the sake of the gospel, will save it.”


In this season of my life, these words strike me quite differently than they did just a few years ago.   As I have reflected on the way my own life fell apart, and is slowly being rebuilt, I have come to realize that I lost the life that I lost because I was trying so desperately to save it.  Yet the life I was trying to save was rooted in a lack of authenticity, a lack of awareness, an inability and/or unwillingness to see hard truths.  In other words — remembering a parable of Jesus’ — I was trying to save a life that was built on sand rather than a solid foundation.   And such an inauthentic, unaware life ultimately becomes too much for that sandy foundation to support.  And down it comes.


The cross can be a symbol for many things, and in this particular context, I think it becomes a symbol for allowing our illusions to die.   With this in mind, when Jesus says that we need to deny ourselves and take up our crosses, I think he is inviting us into the hard work of denying our inauthentic selves — or, to put it positively, he is inviting us to see our inauthenticity for what it is.   To take up our cross is a symbol of that difficult work — and I can tell you from personal experience, crucifixion as a metaphor for the death of inauthenticity and unawareness seems entirely appropriate.    At the same time that Jesus invites us into this hard work, he also invites us to follow him in the doing of it.   He invites us to follow him into a new life of authenticity and awareness, where the difficult truths are named and confronted.   And he promises us that if we take this journey, we will find our true lives saved.   


I cannot claim that I have completed the journey, and that I dwell now in perfect authenticity and awareness.    I’m not sure that most of us ever reach that goal, for we live in a world and in dynamics that encourage illusion, that avoid hard truth, and that do not promote awareness and authentic humanity.   I do, however, believe that I have made progress, and that I will continue to make progress.  Perhaps there will some switchbacks or reversals in that journey, but I do know that the journey of allowing inauthenticity to die and authentic selfhood to be raised up will continue, probably to the very end of my life.


May we all be launched into such a journey — I hope without requiring the level of devastation that was necessary for me.  Many people, like me, are forced into undertaking this journey because we reach a point where the only choice is to do that or to die.   Things happen in life that shake us so deeply and create such a profound crisis that one is pushed into the way of the cross, so to speak.   But this path can also be chosen.   We can recognize the need for it in gentler ways, and we can begin to let go of inauthenticity.


Just as we need to do this as individuals, we also need to do this as a society.   Our country has been heading down the path of illusion, unawareness, unwillingness to face hard truths, and inauthenticity for years now, and we are all paying an increasingly heavy cost.   If we do not come to grips with that, and begin to see things as they are and move toward an authentic communal expression of our humanity, even heavier costs are likely to be demanded of us.   We all need to let go of illusion and awaken to reality, in our own lives and in the life we share in common.




Sunday, February 18, 2024

Passage Appointed: Mark 1:9-15

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The First Sunday in Lent is always the story of Jesus going out in to the wilderness after his baptism where, it is said, he was tempted “by Satan.”  This year, it is Mark’s version of this that we hear, and Mark gives us no further detail beyond this.   He does not tell us or speculate for us on what those temptations might have been.


In a way, I appreciate this lack of detail, because it leaves us with a kind of blank canvas that opens us to a deeper contemplation.


The other thing I like about Mark’s version of this is that while he doesn’t give us details about what Jesus experienced in the desert, he does suggest that Jesus went to the desert because his mind was a bit blown by what he had just experienced.   In Mark’s telling, Jesus is baptized and hears this message:  “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”   And then Mark writes:  “And the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness.”    Notice the language here:  “drove him out.”    Other versions of this story in Mathew and Luke speak of Jesus being led into the wilderness, but not Mark.   Mark makes it clear that Jesus had something of a “WTF just happened to me?” reaction to his post-baptism mystical experience and ran into the desert to try to sort it out.


As I have written elsewhere, I believe the key insight that came from Jesus’ vision after his baptism was that he was “the Beloved.”   And that belovedness is connected to an intimate relationship with the divine that is akin to that of a child to a parent.   It is the core of who Jesus authentically is — but is it also the core of who each of us authentically is.  To be suddenly struck with the immensity and profundity of this truth is what drove Jesus into the desert as he sought to understand what this meant in terms of his own life.


And as he wandered in that desert trying to come to terms with what this meant, we are told that he experienced temptation — from “Satan.”     We don’t need to understand the term “Satan” in a literal way; we don’t need to see Satan as some evil demon or something similar.   We would miss the important features of this story if we got caught up in what is meant by “Satan.”   It is enough simply to realize that Satan is “not God”, that is, not of the divine.   So any temptation coming from “Satan” would simply be something that seeks to pull Jesus away from God and from the truth of the sacred insight he had just received.


Since that insight has to do with Jesus’ authentic identity in God, we can understand that the temptations — whatever they may specifically have been — were temptations to not embrace that identity, or to twist the meaning of that identity so out of shape that the truth of it gets lost.   And that experience of temptation is common to us all.


There is no shortage in our world of people, cultures, and institutions who seek to tell us who we are and what we are supposed to be about.   We are born into a network of relationships that seek to hand us an identity before we are really ever conscious of it.   As children and young people, how often do we get caught up in the hopes and dreams for us of our parents or other family members, or of teachers or religious institutions.   How easy it is for us to start chasing the dreams of another, in the hope of gaining approval or acceptance.  So deeply can we immerse ourselves in this chase that we lose who we truly are in the process.   


The heart of our human journey is a journey toward authenticity.   And that authenticity really begins in the simple realization that we are beloved, and that this belovedness connects us intimately with the divine.   If we can hold on to that foundation, then we can begin to drain power away from every bid for identity that is not rooted in that truth.  We can wander in our own wilderness and shed all the competing voices that seek to tell us who we are or who we should be, and then allow ourselves to be guided by the only voice that matters, the voice of the one who declares us unconditionally to be beloved.   Because that divine voice is the sacred echo of our true, authentic voice, guiding us back toward ourselves.


Jesus ultimately emerged from the desert anchored in a secure knowledge of who he authentically was, and what shape that truth was giving to his life.   And that is our goal, as well.   To emerge from our wrestling with all those other voices having found the true voice, our true voice, that allows us to know who we truly are and what is the authentic shape of our life.




Sunday, February 11, 2024

Passage Appointed: Mark 9:2-9

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The story of the Transfiguration (Mark’s version is read this Sunday) has long been a powerful one for me.   There is something about it that I find compelling.   It seems to carry within it themes of mystery, light, transformation — all of which find a willing home in my heart.


While the Transfiguration is an important story in the Western Christian tradition, the power of the story really finds its home in Eastern Christianity, which has always had more of an interest in and affinity for the more mystical aspects of spirituality.


The Eastern Christian tradition developed a whole theology that revolves around the Uncreated Light, which it says is what Peter, James and John witnessed emanating from Jesus on that mountain.   Gregory Palamas described what came to be called the Eastern doctrine of the uncreated light in the 14th century, and it was a highly controversial idea at the time.  Palamas’s effort was made to defend the spiritual practices of the Hesychasts, who sought to experience union with God.    When that experience of union happened, Palamas said that the mystic would experience the vision of the divine uncreated light, the same light that was seen in Jesus.   While controversial for various theological reasons, the doctrine of the uncreated light ultimately held sway in Eastern Christianity, where it remains a central idea to this day.  


There is a great emphasis in the Eastern Christian tradition on the need to achieve a spiritual purity in order to experience the vision of the uncreated light, and that leaves me a bit cold, I must admit.   Yet, at the same time, I think what we are meant to understand by the idea of purity in this case is really a diminishment or letting go of ego or the engineered self in order for the authentic self to emerge more fully.    And within that authentic self is the uncreated light, shining in its divine radiance.    It is that within us that dwells most fully in the mystery of God and in which that mystery dwells in us.   This is finally a deep affirmation of authentic humanity, in which we glimpse authentic divinity.   We are all carriers of the divine light, yet so often we get in the way of that light so that it cannot be seen shining within us.


It is interesting to note that in the Christian East, spiritual literature is filled with stories of saints who manifested this uncreated light.     The sharing of these stories has the effect, I think, of encouraging people in their journey to recognize that this light, and the connotation of spiritual and psychic healing that is associated with it, is what we are really aiming for in our journeys.   One might call it a Resurrection perspective, one that offers the possibility of new and transformed life as being at the heart of the Christian calling.    It fits well with what is the dominant metaphor of the church In the East, which is as a spiritual hospital.


It is just as interesting to note that in the Christian West, we have no stories of saints who manifest the uncreated light.   There are, however, many stories in which saints manifest the stigmata, or the wounds of Christ on the cross — stories that are completely absent from the spiritual literature of the Christian East.    The stories of the stigmata fit well with the West’s preoccupation with the crucifixion and the suffering of Jesus on the cross, and the substitutionary atonement theory that tends to be popular in the West.   Western Christians tend to focus a great deal on the idea of Jesus dying for people’s sins, whereas Eastern Christians tend to focus much more on the resurrection that lies on the other side of the cross, and all of the possibilities for our human flourishing that the resurrection represents.   


Quantum physicists tell us, and have demonstrated, that observing a situation or phenomenon necessarily changes it, for the observer becomes a part of what is unfolding.   Another way of expressing this is to note that we have a tendency to see what we expect to see.   It is this truth, perhaps, that accounts for the different stories told in the different Christian families.   When we are looking for light, we will tend to see light.   When we are focused on suffering, we will tend to see suffering.


Every human journey does, in fact, contain both.   No one passes through this life without some share of suffering.  Equally, however, no one passes through this life without touching and experiencing the divine light to some degree.    Yet whether our fundamental orientation in life is rooted in suffering or rooted in light is a matter of choice, in the end.   Some people will face circumstances that make it difficult to root themselves in the light.   But it does not make it impossible.   As we make our pilgrimage from one end of life to the other, we do the spiritual and psychic work necessary along the way (or, sadly, we do not).    That work, I think, is best done in a way which acknowledges the dark places of suffering in our lives and the life of the world but which, in the end, finds the divine light that illuminates those dark places.   It is not easy work, and there is a certain sort of mystery and grace involved.    But we are at our most authentic when we can walk the earth as people of light.




Sunday, February 4, 2024

Passage Appointed: Mark 1:29-39

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This Sunday’s gospel passage provides an interesting counterpoint to the epistle lesson for this week, from First Corinthians.


In the passage from the epistle, Paul is having one of those classic moments where he is trying to explain just how great he is.   He sums up his efforts by writing, “I have become all things to all people, that I might by all means save some.”


Becoming all things to all people seems like a prescription for exhaustion.  I’m not really sure it’s possible, but there are certainly people — like Paul — who seem to work hard at it.   Paul makes this into a missionary strategy, and perhaps, for him, it was.   For most of us, however, who follow this exhausting pattern of trying to be everything for everyone, I suspect it is mainly a strategy to find acceptance.   After all, the only real reason that someone would attempt to be all things to all people is because one is in search of acceptance and affirmation from everyone.   It is a symptom of not being quite able to cope with the idea that there are some people who don’t and probably will never accept us.   And most people, I think, who can’t cope with that are having trouble accepting themselves.   Or, perhaps, even knowing who they really are.   Perhaps they have not experienced acceptance by people who had significant roles in their lives early on.   When we are able to know who we are, when we reach some level of self-actualization, then we make progress on our journey of self-acceptance — and we begin to let go of the need to be all things to all people.


This is, I believe, what we see in Jesus, and there is a hint of it within this week’s gospel.   “In the morning, while it was still very dark, he [Jesus] got up and went out to a deserted place, and there he prayed.”    This practice by Jesus was not a one-off.   It comes up frequently across all the gospels — that Jesus takes time to go off by himself, to pray, to meditate, to center himself, to remind himself of who he is.   And it is that practice that allows him to engage with all of those people who are seeking him out without losing himself in the process.  


And Jesus does not fall into the trap of trying to be all things to all people, as Paul worked so hard to do.    When you read through the teaching of Jesus, the descriptions of his interactions with people, you don’t see anything close to someone who is aiming for universal acceptance.   Jesus is quite content to be who he is, knowing full well that some will accept that and others will not.   It is something only a person who truly knows who he or she is and what he or she is about is able to do.   Indeed, Jesus knows that there is no viable option other than to be who he is.    


If we appreciate this about Jesus — and about the other great spiritual figures of human history — we can find in that a deep freedom for ourselves.     We can find permission to stop our endless efforts to find acceptance from everyone around us, and to begin coming into who we truly are.   And that self-knowledge — and the self-acceptance that comes with it — comes through a regular spiritual practice that allows our true self to emerge through all the noise.   The simple practice of allowing ourselves to be who we are is exactly that — so simple.  Yet, it is so hard for so many to do.   And in many ways, this is because there are so many people around us — and even society itself — who are trying to tell us who we are or who we should be.   At some point, we need to find the freedom to step away from that and really come to know ourselves — finding both the light and the shadow within us, and recognizing that both belong.   





Sunday, January 28, 2024

Passage Appointed: Mark 1:21-28

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Sometimes, I think, all of the theological hand-wringing over the centuries of Christian tradition over what it means to say that Jesus is the Christ, and what exactly it means to say that the Christ is both divine and human, have sometimes caused us to lose sight of what is perhaps more important, and that is the content of Jesus’ teaching and mission.


In Mark’s gospel, from which this Sunday’s passage comes, the whole business of Jesus’ being the Christ (or Messiah) is surrounded by a strong desire on the part of Jesus to keep it a secret.    It is not that Jesus denies that this is true, but it is clear that he doesn’t want it to become the thing that people focus on.   And while Mark does certainly contain teachings of Jesus, what is arguably most at the forefront of Mark’s gospel is Jesus’ mission as a healer.   And Mark has a particular interest in what we might call a sub-category of Jesus’ mission as a healer:  that of exorcism.   Mark is quite interested in the way in which Jesus heals people by casting out the demons that possess them.   And in this Sunday’s passage, it is “Jesus as exorcist” that is at the forefront, and Mark says that it was this that led to Jesus becoming famous.


To speak of demons and exorcisms in our time and place is, to say the least, a bit dicey.   I suspect that most people today would tend to say that demons do not exist.   We certainly have no objective proof that they do, though cultures are rife with stories about them even up to our own day.   To get caught up in a demon debate, however, would be counterproductive, and would miss the important insight that these exorcism stories about Jesus could bring to us.


While the idea of actual evil spirits may not be a thing, what cannot be denied, I think, is the way in which each of us must grapple with the personal metaphorical demons that inhabit us.     We each have them.   They are not all the same for each of us, and some of us have more than others.   But if one undertakes to face one’s demons and truly to grapple with them, it hardly matters if we are talking about evil spirits or metaphors:   the struggle becomes very real very fast.  


Whatever our personal demons may be, their effect is the same:  they cause chaos and disorder in our lives.   And when we are psychologically or emotionally chaotic and disordered, not only does this limit our own flourishing as human beings but it also leads us to act in chaotic and disordered ways in the world outside of ourselves — and that can do a great deal of damage not only to our lives to to others, as well.  Quite often, I think, people who act on the basis of their personal demons do not realize they are doing so, because they have not been willing to recognize and face them.   This is understandable, for to do so is difficult and painful.  


All of this, I think, is visible in the stories the Mark especially tells about Jesus casting out people’s demons.  Invariably, the person who is presented in these stories as possessed is clearly in chaos and disorder, often to such a degree that they have been cast out of their families and communities.    When Jesus encounters such a person, he almost always enters into a dialogue with the demon, and in the act of facing it and speaking to it directly, he casts it out, returning the person to an ordered state.


And this is the truth for us:  that we must recognize and face our demons, daring to call their names and speak to them in order that we might remove them and the chaos they cause us from our lives.   In the stories of Jesus as exorcist, of course, that process of getting rid of the demons happens very quickly.   For us, that process takes much longer.    And sometimes, we may never rid ourselves of them entirely, but by coming to know them and daring to call their names, we can quiet them and reduce the amount of chaos and disorder they cause.  We can come to a place where we manage them, rather than being managed by them.   


None of this is easy work, but it is necessary work if we are to come to a place of greater psychological, emotional, and spiritual health.   One of the central messages of Mark’s gospel is that this work is holy because its goal is wholeness.  And so whenever we enter into this work, we can be assured that the universe is on our side in it, that the Christ accompanies us, that God is holding us in the midst of it.   We are only alone with our demons when we refuse to see them.  When we are willing to look at them, we find ourselves in the midst of light that will, ultimately, overcome the darkness.




Sunday, January 21, 2024

Passage Appointed: Mark 1:14-20

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The gospel passage for this Sunday, January 21, is remarkably short.   At first glance, there doesn’t seem to be much there for a preacher to work with.    Yet, the passage does contain this announcement, said by Jesus at the beginning of his public ministry (as Mark tells it):  “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.”


There is so much contained in this simple announcement — or, as we might receive it, in this simple invitation.


First, let’s consider the word “repent”.   This is the English translation of the Greek word “metanoia”.   Typically, the idea of repentance is connected to being sorry for one’s sins in some way, but please notice that the idea of sin is not present in this announcement/invitation.   Because it is not needed.   For the word metanoia in Greek means to change one’s mind.  We could also understand it as referring to a rebuilding or healing of one’s mind.   This invitation to change or heal one’s mind is connected to the concept of the kingdom of God (or, as we might prefer to call it, the realm of God).    It is a concept that is absolutely central to the teaching of Jesus in all of the gospels, and it’s connection here with the idea of repentance/metanoia suggests something deep and powerful:  that the experience of the kingdom or realm of God (or heaven, the term Matthew’s gospel prefers) involves a changing or healing of the mind.   


In her book, The Wisdom of Jesus: Transforming Heart and Mind — A New Perspective on. Christ and His Message, the Rev. Cynthia Bourgeault has the following to say about this:


Jesus uses one particular phrase repeatedly: “the Kingdom of Heaven.” You can easily confirm this yourself by a quick browse through the gospels; the words jump out at you from everywhere. . . .


So what do we take it to be? . . . [Jesus] says, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you” (that is, here) and “at hand” (that is, now). It’s not later, but lighter—some more subtle quality or dimension of experience accessible to you right in the moment. You don’t die into it; you awaken into it. . . .


The Kingdom of Heaven is really a metaphor for a state of consciousness; it is not a place you go to, but a place you come from. It is a whole new way of looking at the world, a transformed awareness that literally turns this world into a different place. . . The hallmark of this awareness is that it sees no separation—not between God and humans, not between humans and other humans. And these are indeed Jesus’s two core teachings, underlying everything he says and does. . . .


When Jesus talks about this Oneness . . . . what he more has in mind is a complete, mutual indwelling: I am in God, God is in you, you are in God, we are in each other. His most beautiful symbol for this is in the teaching in John 15 where he says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Abide in me as I in you” [see John 15:4–5]. A few verses later he says, “As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you. Abide in my love” [John 15:9]. . . . There is no separation between humans and God because of this mutual interabiding which expresses the indivisible reality of divine love. . . .


No separation between human and human is an equally powerful notion—and equally challenging. One of the most familiar of Jesus’s teachings is “Love your neighbor as yourself” [Matthew 22:39] . . . as a continuation of your very own being. It’s a complete seeing that your neighbor is you. There are not two individuals out there . . . there are simply two cells of the one great Life.


So often we have taken the idea of the kingdom of heaven to refer to an eternity after death.  But to limit the concept in this way — or to interpret it as primarily referring to an afterlife — is a serious impoverishment of the richness of Jesus’ teaching, and could also be considered a rather serious distortion of that teaching.   


Rather than encouraging us to spend our lives hoping for eternity, Jesus — in his teaching concerning the kingdom of God — is teaching us about the important of changing the way we live and relate to one another and the world right here, right now, as Cynthia Bourgeault so excellently describes.   


The spiritual life — whether lived in the context of the Christian tradition or some other, or no tradition at all — is about healing our mind, our consciousness, our perspective in order to bring about our own flourishing and, just as importantly, the flourishing of those around us.  It is not, I think, an understatement to say that the healing of the world can only be accomplished to the degree that those who inhabit it are healed.   


Jesus is inviting us into an expansive and generous vision of reality that is already available to us if we will only repent - this is, change our minds — change our way of looking at life.   And as each of us does this, each of us becomes a portal, so to speak, through which this vision enters the reality of the world around us.


This, I think, is the holy work to which we are called.





Sunday, January 14, 2024

Passage Appointed: John 1:43-51

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This Sunday’s gospel passage, from John, relates a story about Jesus inviting Philip to follow him.   Philip, in turn, goes to his friend Nathanael, excited to tell him that he had “found him about whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus son of Joseph from Nazareth.”     Nathanael responded with a question:  “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”


Nazareth, you see, was located in Galilee, and Galilee had a reputation as being a questionable sort of place.    If one reads between the lines of the gospels, one can see that Galilee is an ever-present reality that stands behind the life and ministry of Jesus.


While there is much scholarly debate about Galilee in the time of Jesus, it seems to be true that historically this region was a center of both social and economic protest.    Its position more distant from Jerusalem meant that ideas — religious, social, and economic — that ran against those accepted or espoused by the religious and political authorities in Jerusalem could gain credit more easily.   There are rumors of “banditry” in Galilee, perhaps of a Robin Hood-ish sort.  Galilee’s geography also meant that there were a greater mix of people living there, which exposed the people of Galilee to a wider world of ideas and customs compared to those living closer to the center of power.


So when Nathanael asks, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”, he is speaking from a Jerusalem point of view as someone who regards Galilee with suspicion.   And yet, this is where Jesus comes from.


Richard Rohr has suggested that the teaching of Jesus can really only be fully understood as it was intended from an outside position:  “Jesus’ reality is affirmed and announced on the margins, where people are ready to understand and to ask new questions.   The establishment at the center is seldom ready for the truth because it’s got too much to protect; it has bought into the system.”   If this is true, then Jesus could have scarcely come from any other place but Galilee, a region that was suspicious of the center of power in Israel, a region in which many people struggled, and thus a place that was ready to ask questions that those in Jerusalem would be unwilling to entertain.


If this is the background from which Jesus comes, and if this marginal/outsider sort of place was the incubator of Jesus’ teaching, then it seems to me this has something to say about the way in which we read that teaching in our own time.   Kathleen Fisher writes, “Jesus brings the good news that those who have no voice — the sick, sinners, foreigners, women - are valued and are called to full personhood.  He clears a way through tradition and law for the emergence of the full humanity of those he meets.”  And while Jesus does meet with the powerful of his time, this is not where he spends most of his time and energy.   That he reserves for those who are living in doubt of their full humanity and are desperate to have it affirmed.


But while this is assuredly good news for those people, it is not good news to those who benefit from the dehumanizing of others.   Those who benefit from the system and the centers of power that maintain it do not wish to entertain the hard questions and necessary critiques that come from allowing the outsiders among us to be fully human.    Because they fear that this will compromise their privilege and their wealth.   And too often, churches allow them to feel comfortable maintaining that position.   


There is no question that as a white, middle-class male, I enjoy a great deal of privilege.   I do find myself in an odd place, however, in that I also belong to the category of notorious sinners.  And so I feel that I have the dual status of being at one and the same time a privileged insider and a tainted outsider.    It is a bit confusing.   All in all, my privilege probably wins the day.  However, I have tasted the life of an outsider in a way I never had before.   Participating in a community service program mandated by the court, my life has intersected with the lives of people who are truly outsiders, whose lives have been anything but privileged.    And I must say that this has been a gift.   For I have seen their humanity in a way I might not have before.  While I cannot really be considered an outsider in the full sense of that term, just tasting a bit of it has changed my perspective on the gospel.    All of those phrases we throw about in the church world — “forgiveness, healing, new life, death and resurrection” — these all mean something very different to me than they did before.   Because I have experienced them as a deeply felt need and, when given, a life-saving gift, rather than as the nice theological ideas that they were before.   


And this, in the end, may be what separates those at the center from those at the margins:  the central ideas of the Christian tradition are, to those at the center, mostly nice ideas.  For those on the margins, they are necessary for survival.    


Can anything good come from a place like Nazareth, a place outside the mainstream?   It is perhaps only from such places that any good can really come, in the end.



Sunday, January 7, 2024

Passage Appointed: Mark 1:4-11

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This Sunday, January 7, being the first Sunday after the Christmas season (and the first Sunday right after the feast of the Epiphany on January 6) is always dedicated to remembering the baptism of Jesus by John.   


A seminary professor of mine once said that we can be sure that Jesus was, indeed, baptized by John, because if the church could have forgotten that story, it would have.   It’s a bit awkward to have Jesus the Christ being baptized.  Yet, the force of that event was such that it could not be edited out of Jesus’ story.


The gospels are not unanimous on this, however.   Mark, which is likely the earliest of the four gospels, presents the baptism of Jesus in a matter-of-fact way without much fuss, as is characteristic of that gospel’s compact style.   Matthew’s gospel displays a bit of the church’s embarrassment over the story, and so it reports that John objected to baptizing Jesus, and consented only after Jesus assured him it was the proper thing to do.   Luke reports no encounter between John and Jesus and simply says that that “Jesus also had been baptized”.   John alone does not relate to us any story of Jesus’ baptism, though he says that Jesus and his disciples baptized others.


Within these differences, however, there is one thing that Mark, Matthew, and Luke all agree upon:  that Jesus (and, perhaps, those around him) had a mystical experience following his baptism in which he heard himself claimed by God.  We’ll use Mark’s description, since his is the version of the story we read this Sunday:  “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”


Theologically speaking, the Christian tradition has tended to locate the weight of this experience on the words “You are my Son.”    This is in line with the church’s historic preoccupation with how it is that Jesus is the Son of God and all of the theology that has grown up around that.


I am not so sure, however, that this is where the weight of the experience truly lies.


I think that the most mind-blowing aspect of this experience was that Jesus experienced himself as declared Beloved by the divine voice.   And it was, I think, this part of the experience that drove him into the wilderness for 40 days — to come to terms with what it meant to be Beloved.


The reason I come to this conclusion is that once Jesus’ emerges from the wilderness after this experience, he does not go around telling everyone, “Hey, I’m the Son of God.  How cool is that?”   Rather, the ministry of teaching and healing which begins with his post-baptismal emergence from the wilderness is all about showing other people that they, too, are Beloved.  And is about showing people the way they get twisted out of shape when they don’t perceive their own belovedness.   


In a world in which people experienced the divine in terms of judgment in the context of sin, for someone to come and say forcefully and authoritatively that they were Beloved by the divine was quite revolutionary, life-changing, and life-giving.   It is this which really got Jesus crossways of the religious authorities of his time:  rampant reception of the truth of their own belovedness amongst the people undermined religious authority, which was heavily invested in dealing with sin and its consequences.


In my own life, I have been fortunate to be able to always hold on to that one truth:  that in the eyes of God, I am Beloved.   I have been able to hold onto that truth even in those times when everyone around me seemed to question my belovedness.    For some reason that I cannot explain, I have been deeply convinced of that to God, I am worthy of love.    And that has helped me get through some very dark times, indeed. In fact, in the dark days early in my crisis of the past 4 years, I had something of my own mystical experience that served to reenforce for me that this truth still applied.


Today’s religious landscape is, in some ways, not too different from the time of Jesus.   In most expressions of the Christian tradition, religious authorities are still heavily invested in dealing with sin and its consequences.    It is a spiritual message that fits like a key in a lock for so many people who struggle with their own sense of guilt, shame, and/or unworthiness.   But I would dare say that it is at the very least a form of religious malpractice and, at worst, religious abuse.


If we wish to preach the gospel that Jesus declared, we must come forth from our own wildernesses not to convict people of their sin but to convince them of their own belovedness.   To lead them not into an experience of God’s judgment, but into an experience of God’s love.  Each of us should have an experience of the divine that leaves us blown over by the same revelation that reshaped the life of Jesus: “You are the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”   There is nothing that leads to a more profound transformation that having that revelation sound deeply in your soul.




Sunday, December 31, 2023

Passage Appointed: John 1:1-18

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The gospel for this Sunday, the second and final Sunday of the Christmas season, is always the Prologue of Joh’s Gospel.    It has long been one of my favorite passages in the New Testament.   Part of its appeal is that Its language rings beautifully to me.   Part of that appeal is also that the text has always seemed to me to point to something deeply, profoundly true — even if I have not always been able to articulate exactly what that is.


I think that for me, John’s Prologue presents us with something deeply ironic.   On its face, the text seems to be something of a claim about the utter uniqueness of Jesus:  “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.”     


Later, John writes, “And the Word became flesh and lived among us….”


The movement of the passage is from something timeless — the “Word of God” that has always been is the one through whom life is — to something bound by time: “the Word became flesh and lived among us.”  


And it is in this movement, I think, that the irony lies.   John claims that the life which the Word of God brings into being is like a light that is “the light of all people.”    It is not the life/light of Jesus alone, nor of a specific group of people.   It is the life/light that animates everyone.  It is shared by all.    That Word that brings life into being “became flesh and lived among us” — that is, Jesus appeared as one in human history through whom we are able to glimpse the purpose and meaning of the life/light that we all share.  In other words, Jesus is one who showed us what a life lived in alignment with the divine looks like.    When we step back and look at everything John’s Prologue offers us, I think we see that in making what seems to be an exclusive claim about Jesus as the Word made flesh John points out that what we see in Jesus is that which is in each one of us.   In Jesus the Christ, we are meant to see our own humanity fully alive and fully aligned with the sacred — which is when our flourishing as human beings is most possible.


Over history, Christians became very caught up in the theology of what it meant to say Jesus was or is the Christ.    In doing so, the church gradually made Jesus into such an utterly unique figure that he became very much unlike us.     The extent to which this happened can be glimpsed, for example, in the evolution of Marian devotion in the Roman Catholic Church, in which Mary became someone who was needed to intercede with her son on behalf of humanity — implying that Jesus is, in a sense, one step (at least) removed from us.


Of course, in making Jesus so utterly unique he was neutralized as a viable example of humanity fully alive.   I suspect if you asked most Christians if they could be like Jesus, they would say, “No!”    


It would be helpful for us to recover the ironic truth of John’s Prologue, and recognize that the humanity that came alive in Jesus is the same humanity that is alive in us.   And that by seeking to live in alignment with God, with the sacred, with the universe — whatever terms we use — the Christ comes alive in each of us.    Then we become lights shining the darkness, lights that the darkness cannot overcome.  


Sunday, December 24, 2023

Passage Appointed: Luke: 26-38

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Every few years, the Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve collide — as they do this year.   For people engaged in parish life and ministry, it means a lot of work — observing the last of Advent in the morning and then diving into Christmas later in the day.   I do not find myself missing that quick escalation this year.


For most people, however, the conjunction of Advent IV and Christmas Eve means that Advent IV is overlooked.   As a parish priest, it was my experience that very few people showed up for Advent in the morning — they waited to come to church until Christmas Eve.   And that’s understandable.   


There is, however, value in pausing from the rush of last minute Christmas preparations to just take a moment to consider the Fourth Sunday of Advent and its gospel passage, which is the announcement from Luke’s Gospel to Mary that she will have a son who will be Jesus.


It is tempting when considering this passage to focus on the controversy of the passage.   Was Mary really impregnated by the Holy Spirit?   Was she truly a virgin?  Or, is this passage even meant to tell us about a historical event?   It is well known in circles of biblical scholarship that the stories of Jesus conception and birth were told well after Jesus was crucified, and that such stories were common to the heroic literature genre of the ancient world, a genre which certainly influenced to some degree the gospel narratives.   And, sadly, the insistence on Mary’s virginity (based on a mis-translation into Greek of the Hebrew of the Book of Isaiah, which inspired this notion) has been used by too many Christians to promote ideas of femininity that are hardly positive, and have not at all contributed to the flourishing of women.


As important as these questions are to consider, however, it is also worth asking ourselves what the spiritual value of this story from Luke might be.


What I find most powerful about this interaction between the angel Gabriel and Mary is that, at its heart, it is a story about an invitation into a life-changing reality and a courageous acceptance without fully knowing the consequences.


If we accept the story at face value for the moment, what we see is a divine invitation into a very dangerous situation.  Any unmarried woman found to be pregnant in Mary’s time would have found herself at grave risk.   And yet, this is exactly what Mary is invited into:  to become a mother outside of wedlock.    An interesting way to bring the Christ into the world, wouldn’t you say?  By violating some pretty basic social mores.   


What is perhaps more incredible than that invitation, however, is Mary’s response:  “let it be with me according to your word.”   No one who is about to become a parent for the first time really knows what they are getting into, even under the best of family planning circumstances.  Mary could not have known what her “Yes” would mean for her.   And yet, she chose to trust the invitation — or, at least, the One from whom the invitation came.


And it is reflecting on the meaning of this for ourselves that we find a fruitful Advent IV pause before rushing headlong into Christmas.


The Holy One is always inviting us into new territory, often outside our comfort zone.  That invitation is always about enlarging us as people, always about us living more fully into the reality of the Christ within us, always about us becoming more aligned with the universal sacred.   To step into growth — often painful growth — always comes with risk.  We often step away from embracing the invitation, rather than finding the courage of Mary to step into it.  Ultimately, the courage to embrace these invitations comes from trust — trust that the divine flow of the Universe, which we call God, is on our side and has our flourishing at heart.   It is the courage to pass through what may at least appear to be a valley and shadow of death with confidence that whatever dies there must die in order for us to emerge from the valley into newness of life.


I spent years avoiding that valley, attempting to find ways around it, pretending that I was not really being invited to go through it.   In the end, it could not be avoided.  And it was pretty terrible.   But the new life I now know to be mine would not have been possible without it.


I would not say that I had the courage of Mary.   But I did find that courage when I began to see that there was no other way but through, and that the One who accompanied me was not leading me into darkness but toward the light.


This Sunday morning, before throwing yourself into Christmas, pause and think about what invitation the Holy One might be sending your way, and contemplate finding within yourself the courage and trust of Mary, to be able to say to the Universe, “Ok — I trust you.  Let’s do this.” 




Sunday, December 17, 2023

Passage Appointed: John 1:6-8,19-28

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The gospel passage for this Third Sunday of Advent focuses on the figure of John the baptizer or John the forerunner.   Coming from John’s Gospel, the passage focuses on the baptizer as “a man sent from God” who “came as a witness to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him. He himself was not the light, but he came to testify to the light.”


The sacred history of John the baptizer is interesting.  To this day, there exists a small religious group called the Mandaeans who believe that John was the final and most important prophet.  Centered in what is now Iraq, Iran, Syria and Jordan, the Mandaeans are all but extinct, having found themselves in predominantly Muslim countries where they have been unwelcome, frequently subject to persecution and forced conversion to Islam.   Beyond their tragic history, however, is the fact that they hold John to be their prophet and the one whom they follow.  They probably practiced baptism before Christians did so.


It is interesting, then, that against this backdrop of the Mandaeans is the insistence of Christian sacred texts that John was not the messiah.   This passage from John is a perfect example.  It does not simply note that John was not the messiah, but seems to exert some extra effort in insisting upon it.     This suggests that the authors of the Christian texts were aware of the existence of followers of the baptizer and sought to reinterpret his place in the tradition so that he was still held in esteem but as the one who pointed people toward Jesus, rather than as a Jesus-like figure himself.   Perhaps the earliest Christians were uncomfortable with the claims being made by John’s followers about him.


But let’s step back from this more historical perspective and consider the meaning of John’s role as the Christian texts came to interpret it, within the context of this Advent season.  For each of the figures in the Christian texts, aside from their histories which are largely veiled, holds a symbolic spiritual meaning for us today.


In the case of John, I think we see this in the idea from the gospel that John comes as a witness to the light, who is the Christ.  


Each of us has something of a dual mission:  to bring forward the Christ that is within us so that the divine light illuminates and transforms us, and also to bear witness to the truth that this light is not only within us, but within all people.   We are each meant both to be the light and to bear witness to the light.  


In the Lindisfarne Community, our shared communal prayer is this:  “May we be as Christ to those we meet, and find Christ within them.”   This prayer sums up the goal of our spiritual life, both to be the light for others and to bear witness to the light within them.   It is a prayer that expresses our desire to live, relate, and act in the world from the authentic Christ-self within us and to relate to the Christ-self that is in others.   When we relate to others in this way, we are seeking to bring an awareness of the divine light into all our encounters — and to honor others as bearers of that light, and thus worthy of respect, love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, and justice.    To bear witness to the light is to bear witness to the universal worth of all human beings.   And, perhaps, other beings, as well:  the universal worth of all life.


To live in the spirit of John as such a witness is, ultimately, to be a bearer of hope in a world that is too often enveloped in darkness.   The world makes people forget who they are, forget that divine light that is within them.   And this forgetfulness causes people to devalue both themselves and others.  It is what ultimately creates an opening for abuse and exploitation, for it diminishes our shared humanity.  


As we light the third candle of the Advent Wreath this Sunday, let us take a moment to pause before that light and recognize it as a representation of the divine light that penetrates us all.  Let us allow it to remind us of who we are, and to encourage us to bear witness to the light in all people.





Sunday, December 10, 2023

Passage Appointed: Mark 1:1-8

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The Gospel for this Second Sunday of Advent brings us back to the beginning of Mark’s Gospel and an introduction to John the Baptist or, as he is called in the Eastern Christian tradition, John the Forerunner.    The text says that he “appeared in the wilderness, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.”  


The idea of baptism — or a ritual washing — was not unique to John.   In the Jewish tradition of his time, ritual washings for purification were quite common.   And there is at least one ancient Jewish group — the Essenes — who put a great deal of focus on this practice.   But the stories that are told about John do suggest that there was something compelling about him, and he became for a time quite a popular figure.    Popular enough to place him cross-ways of the authorities.


I find myself thinking that perhaps what was so compelling about the ritual washing that John offered to people had something to do with its simplicity and its openness to all.   Many Jewish ritual washing practices of the time had to be done in specially set aside containers, and involved a certain amount of complexity.   As such, it was easier for people who were economically better off to perform these rituals.    John simply used rivers or lakes for his washing, and anyone — no matter how wealthy or poor they might be — could experience it easily.


John’s message was also compelling:  his washing essentially provided people a chance to begin again.   And in a time and place where people could relatively easily find themselves classified as ritually impure, and where religious authority figures could be rather stingy with forgiveness and mercy, John’s radical offering of a clean slate, an opportunity to start anew, was probably quite powerful.   The fact that Jesus sought baptism from John, and that his movement took up the practice after John was arrested and ultimately executed, is a sign that Jesus endorsed not only John’s ritual but the meaning that lay behind it.


Sin is a complicated thing, made more complicated by religious people.   We very often carry along with us lists of sins, and the sacramental practice of confession that is part of both the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions tends to encourage the notion that when we think about sin, we should have in mind discreet offenses:  lists of things we have done wrong.


But sin need not be so fraught and complicated.  In its essence, to sin means to miss the mark.  And to expand on that notion, I would suggest that to sin means to be out of alignment with the divine, with the Christ within us.   When we are out of alignment, we move and act against the grain of the universe and the grain of life itself.  We move and act in ways that do not enhance our own flourishing or the flourishing of others.  We are living from a twisted place, rooted in the engineered self rather than in the authentic self.   We are alienated from who we really are.


And so John, and Jesus, and, at its best, the Christian tradition invites us in our unaligned state into the grace of repentance, a word which means simply to turn around, with the implication that having turned around, we then head in a different direction.  We head toward alignment with the sacred, toward alignment with our authentic self in whom the Christ dwells.   We begin again, in the hope of moving with the grain of the universe and of life, so that we might flourish and contribute to the flourishing of others and to the repair of the world.


Rather than thinking of sin as a laundry list of bad behavior, then, we would do better to think of it as a kind of illness.  And when we are ill, we need healing.    


The most prominent image for the church in the Eastern Christian tradition is of a hospital where spiritually ill people come to be healed.   And the word salvation actually means healing.  


Pretty much every evil that is done in the world, every transgression, every abuse, every wrong committed is rooted in illness.   People carrying with them unhealed wounds, and acting in the world out of that painful woundedness.    This does not excuse the evil, the abuse, the transgression, or the wrong, but it does recognize the human tragedy that is contained within each.   As a society, we tend to punish the wrong without ever addressing the illness and the woundedness in which it is rooted.   The United States devotes more resources to imprisoning people to punish them for their wrongs than any other so-called developed nation.  Among those “first world” countries, we have the largest incarcerated population.     Yet we devote almost no resources, by comparison, to addressing the illness that lies behind the crime.


As we light the second candle on the Advent Wreath this Sunday — the candle of peace — perhaps we can take a moment to consider John’s powerful message, endorsed by Jesus, of allowing the sinners among us (including ourselves) to begin again, and we can recover the idea that our spiritual communities and traditions are meant to be about healing and bringing people back into alignment with God, themselves, and others.   We are meant to be about the healing of the whole human family, and the repair of the brokenness in the world.   We are meant to bring peace to ourselves and others, so that together we might bring peace to the world.





Sunday, December 3, 2023

Passage Appointed: Mark 13:24-37

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The song “Black and Blue Bird” by Dave Matthews includes this line: “God is troubling when you consider believers that would welcome the end of the world.”   It is a line I often think of when we begin the season of Advent, as we do today.


While Advent leads us into Christmas, the celebration of Jesus’ birth, the readings for the season tend to revolve around the theme of a somewhat strange notion in the Christian tradition:  the second arrival of Jesus which, according to some people, will mark the end of the world, a moment of final judgment in which evil is finally defeated once and for all and a new and permanent age of the reign of God begins.


Some Christians get rather worked up about this.


And some indulge in some rather gleeful — and disturbing — fantasizing about this, going so far as to imagine all the various tortures and sufferings that the wicked will endure at the second appearance of Jesus as part of the whole final judgment thing.   


Hence that wonderful Dave Matthews’ line about how troubling the idea of God is in the hands of those believers who so gleefully welcome the end of the world as they look forward to the way they imagine God will stick it to the evil.


None of this has a place in my theology or belief system.  I want nothing to do with a God who would bring things to an end and take the opportunity to administer the kind of vindictive judgment that some in the Christian tradition seem to so look forward to.


Yet we do have this mysterious theme around which the Advent readings revolve that connects the Christ to ….. what, exactly?


In today’s gospel reading for the First Sunday of Advent, as I look at it, Jesus seems to be speaking in poetic language about an unexpected appearance of the Christ when things seem to be bleak, and emphasizes the importance of keeping awake — being on alert, being watchful, “for you do not know when the master of the house will come.”   One could choose to read this as a sort of description of the end of the world.   Yet, that reading is a choice — and not the only one that could be made.


I like to think of Jesus’ life as the in-breaking of the Christ Event into the world.  Whatever one does or does not believe about Jesus and the stories told about him, there is no question that his appearance in the world ended up causing massive, historical changes as the Christian movement began, took hold, grew, and ultimately became The Church.   That is not to say that the impact of the Christian movement has been entirely good — the record is quite mixed.  But whether you are a believer or an atheist or somewhere in between, that impact cannot be denied.   


Perhaps the key difference between someone who looks at the impact of the Christ Event on world history from a perspective of faith versus someone who does not is this idea that the Christ Event did not happen once in a particular historical moment but that it is on-going — that the Christ Event which in Jesus impacted the world is also meant to unfold in me, in each of us, in a way that profoundly impacts my life.   In other words, I am meant to undergo the Christ Event in my life.


And just as the Christ Event in Jesus had a profound impact on the world, quite literally altering the course of history, so the Christ Event in me should have a profound impact on my life and my personal history.   In other words, the Christ Event reorders our lives in such a way that it can feel like the world as we once knew it has passed away, and something new has emerged or is emerging to take its place.   This is not about the wicked being tormented and sent ultimately to hell, nor is it about a violent ending of everything.   It is about patterns in me that no longer serve me dying, and being replaced by a new way of thinking and being that is aligned with the divine.   


Of course, the Christ event in me is not a project with a guaranteed outcome, just as it was not in Jesus.    Whenever the divine shows up in life, it is really our response to it — what we do with it — that truly matters.   Just as the followers of Jesus down through the centuries made some terrible, horrific choices in response to the Christ Event in Jesus — choices that had little to do with the teaching of Jesus and much to do with their desire for power and control — so it is that our response to the Christ Event in us may move us toward alignment with the divine or may move us very much away from that alignment.   


The dynamic that lies at the heart of the Christ Event — death and resurrection — suggests that a faithful response to the unfolding of that event in our lives requires us to allow certain things in our personal worlds to end so that new life may emerge.   To allow that process to happen is very difficult, even painful, and very often we back off from it.   The Christ Event may begin in us, but its unfolding in us can get stuck or halted as we retreat from it.


And so from this perspective, Advent serves as a reminder and an opportunity.   It reminds us to awaken once again to the unfolding of the Christ Event within our lives, and to recognize that its unfolding in us can resume, and that no matter where we have gotten stuck on the path of transformation, we can continue walking that path.   It is near, it is at the very gates of our life.   We may have lost sight of it, but we can wake up to its reality, to its invitation, to the possibilities it holds for us.   It will require us to let go of some things — and that may feel like the ending of our personal worlds in some respects.   Yet, such endings are necessary to make room for new life.






Sunday, November 26, 2023

Passage Appointed: Matthew 25:31-56

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This Sunday is a difficult one on the calendar of the western church.  It is typically known as the Sunday of Christ the King — and marks the last Sunday in the western church year, just before we begin a new year with the arrival of Advent.  And, by the way, this last Sunday of the church year only received this designation in 1925.


One of the difficulties, of course, is that this imagery of kingship is not one that really resonates with people in our time and place.   Gone are the days when kings and queens ruled.  In the places where these figures still exist — such as Great Britain — monarchs are symbolic figures who no longer exercise any real power.    So perhaps continuing to hold on to royal images in reference to Christ no longer makes much sense.


Another difficulty is the triumphal tone that the title of this Sunday sets.   Its position as the last Sunday in the church year is meant to reenforce the idea that, in the end, Christ rules over all.  Which is really suggesting that the church — Christianity — wins in the end, and is meant to triumph over every other religious and spiritual tradition on the planet.


The gospel passage connected to this Sunday also seems at first glance to lend itself to this triumphal tone.   This year, that passage is from Matthew’s Gospel, and is typically referred to as Christ judging the nations.   It depicts all the nations of the earth gathered before the great throne of Jesus, who separates them into distinct groups, sending one into life eternal and the other into punishment eternal.    At first reading, it appears to be a story about individual salvation and personal judgment, based on whether one was helpful to the poor and needy or not.


A number of commentators, however, have suggested that to read the story in this way is not what the author of Matthew’s Gospel intended.  They point to the fact that from beginning to end, Matthew is presenting Jesus the Christ as the heart of an anti-imperial program.    It is there right at the beginning, where the birth of Jesus to a needy peasant family on the edges of society is contrasted with the violent efforts of King Herod to exert power and control from the center in order to maintain empire.  If we take that overarching perspective of the gospel into consideration, then we can read this story in a different way.


Rather than seeing it as focused on individual salvation and personal judgment, we can see it as a commentary on the power structures of the world and its nations.   And the question the story asks is simply this:  which power structures are focused on caring for those on the margins and which are not?  Those that are so focused have a better chance of survival and those that are not are at risk of failure.


There is a lot of talk these days about the growing disparity between the wealthy and everyone else.    One percent of the world’s population own almost half of the world’s wealth, and just 81 people (all billionaires) have more wealth than 50% of the world’s population.  If we look, we can see the corrosive effect of this inequality on so many of the world’s populations and the power structures that maintain this inequality.  In the long term, such inequality is not sustainable.   And it certainly is not consistent with the ethical framework of any of the world’s spiritual and religious traditions — except where those traditions have been corrupted.


This Sunday’s passage from Matthew’s Gospel can be read as a commentary on the kind of world we live in now — one that privileges already privileged people at the expense of most other human beings.   It is a commentary on the way in which we so often end up living at the expense of others.   And that this story was told 2000 years ago tells us that human systems have not made much progress.


In closing, I need to comment on the end of this passage, when those who were living at the expense of others and did not care for those on the margins are sent into “eternal punishment”.   While I cannot go into it here, it is an axiom of my theological perspective (and I am hardly alone in this) that God has nothing to do with violence.   Thus, any suggestion in the biblical texts of sending people to hell and eternal punishment cannot, in my view, be read in anything close to a literal way.


It does seem clear to me, however, that power structures that privilege the privileged and exacerbate inequality are creating a kind of hell themselves.   As we look at our political culture today, how could it not be described as hellish?  I interpret Matthew here not as describing something that God does — throwing people into hell — but rather as describing that which is the natural consequence of corrupt human systems that fail to care for those in need.   




Sunday, November 19, 2023

Passage Appointed: Matthew 25:14-30

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This week’s gospel passage, continuing our reading in Matthew, presents another of the parables of judgment that Jesus teaches.   Each of these parables of judgment can be challenging to interpret, particularly if we attempt to associate the central characters in these parables as stand-ins or symbols for God.  Many commentators have noted that Matthew’s parables — particularly the parables of judgment — cannot be read this way, and note that Matthew presents them in a way that seeks to point that out.   He often takes pains to point out that he is talking about “a man”, meaning that we should not take the man in the story as a stand-in for God.


A number of commentators also note the importance of Matthew 11:12 as providing us an interpretive key in reading the gospel: “From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force.”  This verse suggests that the kingdom or realm of God is revealed in human suffering, and it is the human created kingdoms or realms of the world that engage in violence to cause that suffering.   Thus, in any parable in Matthew’s Gospel, if we are to identify a “Christ figure” in the story, it would perhaps most likely be the one in the story who is subjected to violence.


With all this in mind, we can turn to this week’s parable, usually called the Parable of the Talents.   In the story, the central character is a man who is a slave-owner and clearly of a questionable character, revealed as one who is usually “reaping where [he] did not sow, and gathering where [he] did not scatter seed”.  Because of this reputation as a “harsh man” (it is clear that with this reputation, this character cannot be a stand-in for God), the third slave in the story goes and buries the talent he was given, rather than risking it by investing it in some way, as the other slaves did.    The third slave is afraid, and is so overwhelmed by his fear, that he cannot risk losing what he has been given, and so he hides it until he can return it to his master upon his master’s return.


As a result of his fear and inaction, he is castigated by his master and thrown into the “outer darkness”.   He suffers violence at his master’s hand because he cannot get past his fear, and therefore he cannot take any risk that might lead him to a more fruitful, more abundant, more full life.


For me, the real truth of the story lies in what is implied but not said:  that the realm of God is revealed in the suffering of this man due to his fear and the impoverished life into which that fear locks him.   The brutal world of human power would toss him aside for this.  But the realm of God would seek him in that outer darkness in order to heal him of his fear.


Parables really only become meaningful when they interact with our own lives.  And this particular parable speaks very loudly in my life.   One of the things that has become clear to me over these last almost 4 years of exploration and reflection has been the discovery of how much fear was a dominant component of my inner life.   I cannot say that it was so substantial as to prevent me from taking risk and finding success and meaning in my life, but in the end, that fear did short-circuit my life in a profound way.  It did, ultimately, lead me into an outer darkness in which I became incomprehensible to many and invisible to some.   There were very few people willing to venture into that outer darkness to find me.


I can say with full conviction, however, that the divine grace did find me there in ways that are stunning and nearly incomprehensible to me.   When we speak in our churchy language of being raised to new life in Christ — a beautiful phrase that always held more mystery to me than substance — this is something I actually have experienced.  I was given a new life, I was returned to myself in a way that ultimately transcended the fear that had always been my constant companion.    I am a living testimony to the truth that in that outer darkness where the human systems of this world are so willing to leave people — there I did truly find the realm of God in a way I had never experienced it before.  


And so the lesson of this parable, I think, and so many other parables of judgment, is that the divine does not act as the human.   “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Holy One” (Isaiah 55:8).   We so often insist on creating some sort of divine power structure that mirrors corrupt and violent human power structures — it is one of the ways those human structures seek to legitimize themselves.   The mystery of Christ is meant to disabuse us of this false equivalency.


It is in coming to terms with our own powerlessness as we undergo suffering that we find the power of the divine.  And when our human power structures are able to mirror that truth — and transform from inflicting suffering to embracing those who are suffering for the sake of healing — that is when our humanity is aligned with the sacredness of the universe.  That is when the realm of God becomes manifest among us.




Sunday, November 12, 2023

Passage Appointed: Matthew 25:1-13

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Today’s gospel reading is that story generally referred to as the parable of the wise and foolish virgins.    It is one of the many parables in Matthew’s Gospel that Jesus introduces with the words, “The kingdom of heaven is like….”


And that short introduction contains the first teaching of this parable:  that the kingdom, or realm, of God cannot be directly described.  The most we can ever say about the realm of God is that it is “like this” or “like that”.   Or, conversely, it is “not like this” or “not like that.”   So we should not miss the caution that lay behind this truth, which is that when we use the realm of human language and images to describe the realm of God, the best we can hope to do is to point toward a truth that transcends our capacity to fully grasp.  This is, ultimately, why religious language is always and forever metaphoric language, because it is attempting to point us toward something that is intimately present but also utterly beyond.   


Sadly, we have for a long time now forgotten this truth, and become overconfident and arrogant regarding our capacity to describe that which we label as God or the realm of God.  We think we have it.  We think that our creeds and doctrines and scriptures fully comprehend the divine.   Which is why religion is filled with doctrinal terrorists whose chief concern is to make everyone obey these creeds and doctrines because, in their minds, they are correct.  And they convince themselves that this enforced obedience is good because it “saves” people.  It doesn’t occur to them that it is they themselves from whom people really need to be saved.


All creeds, doctrines, scriptures — all religious language — points beyond itself to a transcendent reality that will never be fully described but can be perceived in the experience of the soul, if we are paying attention.


And I think this parable of the wise and foolish virgins can be understood as a parable about paying attention in order to experience the More, the transcendent realm of sacred experience.  


In the end, the parable is about a group of young women who pay attention and a group of young women who get distracted.  The so-called “foolish” virgins are distracted by concern over whether they have enough oil for their lamps — so much so that they leave the scene at the critical moment to purchase more oil and thus miss the appearance of the bridegroom.   


In religious metaphor, it is common to refer to the soul in a feminine mode and to use the term virgin to indicate a soul who is seeking experience of the divine.   And it is common to refer to that experience of the divine as a bridegroom, one who comes to be joined to the soul.  Thus we can see what the imagery of this parable is pointing us toward:  our own desire to experience the divine, transcendent mystery and our readiness to receive that experience. 


The lesson of the parable, at least for me, is a well-worn principle of spirituality:  the importance of paying attention to the present moment.  When we become distracted by worry or concern about the past or the future, we remove our attention from the moment we are in.  And, the experience of the sacred is one that only happens in the present moment (indeed, all experience happens only in the present moment).   


I have spent much of my life obsessing about the past or in terror about the future.   And in doing so, I expect I have missed a lot.  What I have found is that intentional spiritual practice — whatever form it takes, as long as it is authentic — is designed to move us out of this cycle of obsession and worry and anchor us in the present.   It is always a temporary anchoring, because we human beings have a lot of trouble setting aside that obsessing/worrying mode of being.   Yet, when we are able to do so, we can pause in the moment and experience depth — and that is where the realm of God is to be found.


All creeds, doctrines, and scriptures are simply there to point us toward that and help us prepare the ground of our souls to receive and recognize the experience of the sacred when we find it.   And it is our spiritual practice — rooted in the present moment — that is the arena in which that experience arrives.



Sunday, November 5, 2023

Passage Appointed: Matthew 5:1-12

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November 1 is All Saints Day, which can be observed on the first Sunday after.  So I am choosing to reflect on the All Saints Day gospel, which is an option for today.


That gospel passage is always the Beatitudes — Matthew’s version.  Those verses, each beginning with that phrase, “Blessed be….” have much to tell us, I think, about what lies at the heart of life, in a spiritual sense.   That is, that there are paths to be followed, choices to be made, dispositions to be cultivated that evoke blessing.  


What does that mean?  I would note that in the Beatitudes, Jesus uses a passive voice rather than an active one.  Those who follow a certain path or make a certain choice or cultivate a certain disposition find that they are blessed.   Or, better put, they find that they experience a state of blessedness.   To me, this suggests that whether we find that state or not is up to us, rather than to a deity who somewhat arbitrarily decides whether or not to hand out a blessing.


To experience blessedness, I think, is to experience a kind of resonance with the universe, to find oneself in the divine flow.  It is to transcend the ego and narrowness of self and experience something of the transcendent mystery that animates all life.   It is to go with the grain of the universe rather than against it.  And when we go with the grain of the universe, we flourish as human beings.   


Christians over the last few centuries seem to have become quite preoccupied with sin, rather than with blessing.   For me, sin is the opposite of what I just described.  It is to go against the grain of the universe, to go against the grain of the authentic self.  It is to move deeper into the ego and the engineered self and lose sight of that transcendent mystery of the More.   


Along with this preoccupation with sin has come a conception of God as one who somewhat arbitrarily makes lists of things that are sinful (bad) and then passes judgment on those who do those things.   It is the idea of the great being in the sky who doles out penalties for sin or blessings for doing well.     It makes God into something of a glorified referee — who also happens to be the one who makes the rules.


This is such an impoverished, outworn idea.   God is not a being, but rather Being Itself.  There are paths and choices in life that open us up and enliven our humanity, and there are those that close us down, cause us to cave in on ourselves, and cripple our humanity.   It is not always easy to precisely describe what these are, but we know it when we see it in others and when we experience it in ourselves.    We live in a vast matrix of Being that is touched by a transcendent consciousness that seeks our good and our well-being.  A consciousness that seeks to lead us toward the experience of blessedness.   But ultimately, we must decide to step into that experience.  It is not something arbitrarily bestowed upon rule-followers, but something inherent in the very structure of life that is always available if we seek it, see it, and choose it.


The saints have, in many ways, become rather comic-book figures in our time.  But really, when we speak of saints, we are really speaking of people — mostly unknown to us — who had the courage, insight, and willingness to step into blessedness in a way that made their lives brighter and, in some cases, more memorable.   The annual celebration of All Saints affords us an opportunity not only to celebrate those to whom the church chose to give the title, but to remember and celebrate those whose stepping into blessedness touched our lives in some way.  And it reminds us that the paths of blessedness are always open to us.  





Sunday, October 29, 2023

Passage Appointed: Matthew 22:34-46

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In today’s gospel, Jesus is asked what are the two greatest commandments in the Jewish law, and his response is quite well-known: love God and love your neighbor as yourself.   And all of a sudden here we find ourselves in the choppy waters of the question that is not asked:  what is meant by the word “love”?


In today’s culture, we think and speak about love as primarily a matter of the heart.  For most people, love is a feeling — and people will go to great lengths to experience that feeling of “being in love”.    There is, of course, a difference between “being in love” and simply loving.  The former really only applies to romantic love, and then really only to the first phases of romantic love.   The second applies to love in all of its many forms — not simply romance, but also friendship and familial relationships.   But whether we are speaking of the giddiness of newly found romance or the deeper love that comes as relationships mature, we still tend to focus on love as something we feel.


When Jesus speaks of love, as he does in today’s passage, he cannot be talking about a feeling.  Why?  Because everything he says is set in the context of commandment.   And feelings cannot be commanded.   They happen or they don’t happen, but it is simply not possible for someone to walk up to you and order you to love them and suddenly you feel all warm and lovely toward that person.    Feelings are not commanded.   


When we recognize that, it becomes apparent that Jesus must be talking about behavior and action, for these are things that can be commanded.  In other words, we cannot choose how we feel, but we can choose our actions.


When Jesus says that the greatest commandments are to love God and to love our neighbor as ourselves, he is speaking about how we choose to act in the world toward others.  To love God, I think, means that we seek to act in ways that align with the transcendent power in the universe that nudges us toward what is best for us.   It means to be sensitive to the subtle movement of the spirit, to the quiet motions of grace, and to seek to align ourselves with the divine flow.  


To love our neighbors as ourselves is to simply to treat others with the care and kindness that we ourselves long to receive.   And that begins with treating ourselves with care and kindness.  We don’t always recognize that this “love your neighbor as yourself” thing is pointing toward a kind of feedback loop.  Kind and caring actions toward ourselves empower us for kind and caring actions toward others which, in turn, reenforces kind and caring actions toward ourselves.   It is difficult to care for others when you are not caring for yourself.   And it is more often than not the case that when we see those who act cruelly toward others we are seeing people who are living tormented lives and are unable to be kind to themselves.  And often because they were not shown kindness and caring at critical times in their lives.


So when we see Jesus speaking of love, when we read about love in the Bible, let us not make the mistake of thinking that we are talking about feeling.   Rather, let us understand that we are talking about how we live and act in the world.  Are we open to the motions of grace and the leading of the spirit?  Are we taking care of ourselves?  Are we moving toward others in ways that are kind and caring?  It really is that simple — and that challenging.






Sunday, October 22, 2023

Passage Appointed: Matthew 22:15-22

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Today's gospel reading presents us with an attempt by religious authorities to entrap Jesus, so that they might be able to make an accusation against him that would get him into hot water.  They present him with a question that was, in their time and place, quite the hot-button issue:  Should a faithful Jew pay taxes to the Roman emperor?  If Jesus answered "Yes", then he would have lost credibility among a large segment of his people, who believed that paying taxes to the occupying power was offensive.   Roman tax collection was ruthless and deeply unpopular, as one might imagine.  On the other hand, if Jesus said "No" then he would have gotten into trouble with that same occupying power, opening himself up to a charge of fomenting dissent against Rome.


Jesus, of course, was aware of the trap that they were laying for him, and avoided it with admirable skill that left his questioners both amazed and defeated.   He simply asked them to produce the coin with which the tax was paid, noted that it was Roman money bearing the emperor's inscription, and uttered those well known words, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's."    


The story makes me think about the hot-button issues of our day when it comes to religion and politics.  And as I wonder about those, I am deeply mindful of the violent conflict between Palestinian terrorists and Israel that is now unfolding in the very region where more ancient authorities asked Jesus their loaded question.


Americans are accustomed to the notion that church and state are separate in our political system.  However, religion and politics have never been separated, both influencing the other in subtle and not so subtle ways.   The US has evolved a unique and, as far as I am concerned, distasteful blend of Christianity and nationalism that wants to believe that the United States is some sort of new Israel, some kingdom of God on earth, some chosen nation among all other nations.   In this twisted vision, Jesus is a kind of American Rambo who will use any means necessary to establish or ensure that America is a Christian nation.   Much of today's ascendant right wing politics is a direct outgrowth of this nationalistic theology.  And, in an age when people have become accustomed to saying outrageous things, we have had at least one member of Congress openly say that the church should be telling the state what it should be doing.   


In Jesus' time, there were many among the Jewish people who viewed the religious authorities with suspicion, and even saw the Temple and its rituals as compromised, because of the compromises that those authorities had made with the Roman occupiers.  It was, in the end, the Romans who decided who the High Priest would be.  Centuries later, as Christianity moved from being an illegal religion to the official religion of the Roman Empire, the monastic movement arose as a protest against what was seen as a compromised church.    Indeed, much of what came to be considered orthodox Christian theology was developed under pressure from the Roman Emperor to get all Christians on the same page.  Questions that were formerly left unanswered or open suddenly acquired fixed answers from which dissent became impossible.   A radically pacifistic early Christianity wound up blessing the Roman imperial war machine -- because the Emperor needed it to do so.   The stage was set for the cozy relationship that would exist between crown and mitre, state and church all across Europe.   


One of the insights of the American revolution was that this should not be -- that religion should not be a tool of the state, and that the state should have a benign attitude toward religion.  It was that perspective that ultimately allowed different interpretations of Christianity, and different religious traditions, to take root in this country.   Not easily, of course, because human beings still have their prejudices and preferences.  But it was a step in a remarkably new direction given the history of religion in Europe.


All of this is something that the right wing Christian nationalists would like us to forget -- they would like us to believe that the founders of this country were zealous Christian evangelists, which could not be further from the truth.


As people use religion as an excuse to cover their violent agendas, and as religion uses its power to try to push a political agenda, we would do well to consider the cautionary nature of Jesus' teaching in today's gospel.  Render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God's what is God's.   When church and state get in bed together, nothing good ever comes from it.   The state should never be interested in a narrow religious agenda, nor should its power be allowed to support such an agenda.  The state's interest is in the maintenance, support, and defense of civil society which should look upon citizens as having equal standing regardless of religion.  And the church -- and other religious communities -- should be interested in developing the spiritual capacities of their adherents, to promote human healing, flourishing and transformation.   These different goals of the state and of religions can both end up supporting a more peaceful, equitable, and just society.  But they should do their work on different sides of the street.   




Sunday, October 15, 2023

Passage Appointed: Matthew 22:1-14

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Matthew's Gospel presents us with another parable today that is an interpretive challenge.   It is a story in which the kingdom of heaven is compared to a king who throws a wedding banquet for his son, and the invited guests refuse to come.  And so the king sends out troops to kill them all, and orders his slaves to open the banquet to everyone.  Once the banquet hall is full of people, the king comes in to see the guests, and finds one who is not dressed appropriately.   He demands an explanation, but the guest remains silent -- he has nothing to say.  And so the king has him bound hand and foot and thrown out.


Traditionally, this parable is interpreted in such a way that God is put in the role of the king.   But the consequences of that interpretive move are monstrous.   It makes God equivalent to a petty dictator who lashes out violently when people resist his will.   And that is something that I simply refuse to accept.   It is amazing to me how many people, however, willingly do so.   I think that an affinity for violence is so deeply rooted in us that we are often more willing to project that violence onto the divine rather than to allow the divine to challenge our own violent tendencies.


More recent interpretive work on this parable suggests that we should view it not through the traditional lens of a monarchical God enthroned on high who metes out punishment to sinners, but through the lens of Jesus' own living out of the mystery of the divine, in which God in Christ undergoes the violence of humanity in order to unmask that which lays behind our temptation to violence and subvert it by reordering our humanity not on the basis of power and violence but of love and non-violence (for more, see the Girardian Lectionary).


Such a reading turns this parable upside down.  Rather than seeing the petty tyrannical king as the divine figure, we instead see the silent wedding guest who is thrown out of the banquet for not being properly dressed as the divine figure in the story.   This silent, unwelcome guest is the Christ who undergoes the violence of the tyrant.  The kingdom of God is not like the king, but like the guest who is found unworthy.   


Matthew's Gospel makes a bigger deal of Jesus' remaining silent before his accusers than any other gospel, which further reenforces the idea that the silent guest is the Christ figure in the story.  And the subtlety of the Greek here makes it clear that the king is a man, as if to discourage the idea that we should identify him as the divine figure in the story.


This parable offers us the opportunity to recognize that how we interpret these stories has very much to do with the lens that we use to look at them.   When the parable is viewed from the perspective of a kingly god who rules over the universe -- which essentially wants God to be a king up there in the sky whose chief attribute is possession of power that inspires fear -- then we end up with a story which depicts God along those Iines.  But if we view the story through the revolution of the Christ event, we begin to see that these old, imperialistic conceptions of God must give way to something more profound, in which the divine is seen as possessing an entirely different power rooted in love, non-violence, humility, selflessness, and surrender.   The former conception of God leads us to sanction the use of power and violence, and to venerate those who seek to have control over others.   The latter conception leads us to see how twisted and wrong that is.







Sunday, October 8, 2023

Passage Appointed: Matthew 21:33-46

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The gospel passage appointed for today is a difficult one.  It is tempting to read it as a dire warning about how God will bring vengeance and destruction upon those who are unfaithful.   And that reading plays into the temptation of many people to attribute violence to God.   The issue of sacred violence -- imagining that God would indulge in the same kinds of violent acts that come all too easily to humans -- is a huge theological problem.  Those who have no trouble assigning violence to God will cite text upon biblical text in support of that perspective.  But let's be honest:  you can find a biblical text to support just about anything you want to argue.  


I take it as a maxim that God and violence have nothing to do with each other.  My experience of the sacred, and my reading of the whole of Jesus' teaching and the insights of the mystics, lead me to this conclusion.  I also take it as a maxim that human beings will choose violence to resolve their grievances rather easily.   And will also not hesitate to use sacred texts to justify that violence if they are of a religious mindset.


So when I encounter a text like today's gospel passage with my conviction that violence and the sacred have nothing to do with each other, I exclude any reading of the text that involves God in violence.   And so, what might really be going on here?


I think this is primarily a text about faithfulness.  Not necessarily about faithfulness to God, but faithfulness to one's responsibilities as someone who seeks to live in harmony with the sacred dimension of life.


The metaphor of the vineyard is one which is often applied in the Bible to the people of Israel.  And in case we might miss it, the author of the text points out that the Jewish authorities who heard Jesus realized he was talking about them.


We often forget that Jesus was about reforming his Jewish tradition, not about starting a new religion.  That forgetfulness has led Christians over the centuries to tragically and horribly interpret words attributed to Jesus in an anti-semitic tone.   If we remember that this is what Jesus was about, however, then we can appreciate this text not as a warning of divine wrath, but as a thinly veiled criticism of religious authority.


Jesus was deeply aware, it seems, of the way in which the religious authorities of his time interpreted their tradition in ways which imposed heavy burdens on people.  The poor and less advantaged of that time found it difficult to bear those burdens.   Jesus was offended by the insensitivity and lack of compassion that the authorities had for those who struggled the most.   He was also offended by the way in which those same authorities would claim ownership of divine grace and mercy, and assume the right to determine who was "in" and who was "out".  


Jesus points out in this passage that no human being, and certainly no religious authority, has the right or power to make such a determination.   No one controls the realm of God.   The kingdom, or realm, of God is like a cosmic field of divine energy that is accessible to any and to all.    Religious practice may help us find our way into it, but no religion or religious hierarchy can claim ownership to the gate to determine who has that access.


That is the warning and the criticism behind the strong words of today's gospel: that it is dangerous for anyone to assume the authority to control the realm of the sacred.  It is open to all -- and that has always been a scandalous idea.   Historically people with greater privilege have always had a hard time assigning worth, value, and access to the divine to those whom they consider "less".    And so we pretend to surround the gate to the realm of the sacred with a whole lot of rules, imagining that we can decide who is worthy to enter.   Yet our rules don't count for anything.   The realm of God is open to all.    The only thing anyone need do is knock, and the door will be opened.








Sunday, October 1, 2023

Passage Appointed: Matthew 21:23-32

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One of the consistent themes in the gospels is the tension -- and even open conflict -- between Jesus and the religious authorities of his time.   While we have become accustomed to thinking of the Christian movement as being a separate religion rooted in Judaism (as indeed it became), we can forget that Jesus did not set out to start a new religion.   Rather, he was interested in reforming his own Jewish tradition, whose leadership was seen by many as corrupted and compromised.


In this context, then, the demand by the authorities in today's passage from Matthew's Gospel that Jesus explain by what authority he teaches what he teaches and does what he does is not surprising.   All the more so because the traditional style of rabbinic teaching at the time was to site the lineage of previous rabbis upon whose teaching one was building.   Jesus did not follow that style.  He did not appeal to previous teachers to provide a foundation for his own teaching.   He simply taught what he taught.   And he apparently did so with a kind of confidence that left the authorities of his time rather unsettled.


That confidence of Jesus comes, I think, not from authority but from authenticity.   Jesus was radically authentic: he knew who he was and what he was about, and that authenticity brought a sense of authority to his teaching that did not require him to justify what he was saying by appealing to those who came before him.   And the people who were attracted to him were, I think, attracted to that authenticity.   It was unusual --- most human beings don't realize their full authenticity.   And to see it in someone like Jesus was compelling.


But while Jesus -- and probably all the great religious figures and founders from Buddha to Muhammed -- embodied this amazing authenticity, that was not something that most of his followers were able to reach.  And so as Jesus' movement evolved into a religious tradition and acquired an institutional character, the compelling power of authenticity was replaced by authority.  And Christians have been arguing about who has authority to say what to whom ever since.   The sacred power of authenticity gave way to the secular and mundane power of authority -- and, of course, control.


At the close of this week's gospel passage, Jesus poses a question that points to the way in which words and actions don't always correspond.    One of the marks of deep authenticity is a correspondence between word and action:  one does what one says, and one says what one does.  While Jesus commends the one who does what was asked after saying he would not over the one who promises but doesn't act, I think in both cases we have examples of less than full authenticity.   In both examples, the mind, heart, soul and body are not fully integrated with each other.   This is perhaps one of the best definitions of "sin" that one can find: this lack of correspondence and integration that leads the whole of one's being to be in harmony.   Authenticity brings wholeness, and wholeness brings authenticity.


Authenticity is costly -- the story of Jesus' life makes that clear.   But lack of authenticity is deadly.  As we move into greater authenticity and deeper integration, it will cost us -- sometimes painfully.  It requires us to abandon our self-delusions, and can create space and separation between ourselves and those who would encourage us to continue to live with those delusions.   At the same time, authenticity and integration brings freedom -- because when we know who we are and what we are about, we are empowered to enact that authenticity freely.


The movement into greater authenticity and deeper integration is a kind of dying.  Beyond it, however, lies the sacred realm of new life.  It is to that realm that Jesus was pointing, and it is that realm to which we are called.  It is the narrow path that leads to life.    It is what being human is really about.  Anything less is a distortion and impairment of our own human-ness.   And it is from living in a distorted, impaired humanity that Jesus and all the great teachers sought to save us -- by pointing us again and again to the path.  It is not something that you can reach by mere assent to a set of beliefs, nor is it something reserved to any particular group.  It is the designed goal of all humanity, and one must do the hard work of walking it, in whatever tradition helps one to do so.




Sunday, September 24

Passage Appointed: Matthew 20:1-16

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This week's Gospel is a parable of Jesus, about generosity and jealousy.  Its central character is a landlord who goes several times to a local marketplace to hire laborers who are waiting there hoping to get a job for the day.  Just like the day laborers you might find waiting in any Home Depot parking lot in today's society.  These are people who live on the edge, just getting by, living one day to the next.  To be hired for the day is life.  To go a day without work is one step closer to death.


At the end of the story, the landowner hands out the daily wage to each worker, beginning with those he hired at the end of the day, people who worked only an hour.   To them, as to every other worker, he pays the full day's wage, regardless of how long they worked.   This act of generosity -- choosing to give the same wage to each worker no matter the length of the labor -- enrages those hired earlier in the day.  They feel they should get more, since they worked longer.  The truth, I think, is not so much that they think they should get more but that they think those who put in less time and labor than they should get less.  


The landlord points out that none of the workers was cheated.  The ones hired early in the day received the pay they agreed to.  If he chooses to pay the same to everyone, that is his business -- he is allowed to be as generous as he wants to be.


I think the landlord of the story is deeply aware of the fact that those who work for him live perilous and fragile lives, and that his generosity is quite literally life-giving and, potentially, life-changing.  The fact that he goes to the marketplace a number of times over the course of the day indicates not so much a need for additional labor but a concern for the people who gather there and their need.  He knows that they depend on people like himself in order to live, and he is determined to do all he can.   His generosity is determined not so much by his need for labor as it is by the neediness of those who gather day by day at that marketplace.  His generosity is the gift of life.


Generosity based on the need of another, rather than on the needs of the one being generous, is deeply counter-cultural, both then and now.  It is why the workers who labored all day are enraged.  This is not supposed to be how the labor market works.  But by telling this story, Jesus is saying something about the divine economy, which recognizes the deep interconnections within the human family, and assigns equal value to all.  The divine generosity flows where it is needed.    When we become channels of that generosity, when we recognize ourselves as part of the divine economy of being, then our generosity flows where it is needed.  The question of whether it is deserved is no longer a question.


For me, this is not a theoretical exercise.  I have, over the past couple of years, been the recipient of an incredible generosity, offered freely to me by someone who simply recognized my need and looked upon me with compassion.  And that generosity in so many ways has saved my life.  I found myself unexpectedly caught up in the divine economy where all of the things that society -- and, indeed, the church -- would say cancelled out my value no longer mattered.   There was just me, a human being in pain and trouble, standing there with my need and not knowing where to go with it.  And there was he, this other person, who simply saw that and responded.  It was pure grace, and it has made all the difference.


May we find ourselves slow to judge, and quick to be generous.  So many of us have what is needed to accomplish some healing in the lives of others.  To simply recognize their need, and to respond, is all we need to provide others with hope and new life.


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